No starbucks or anything can beat ccd; not definitely in the near future... The scale of operations of ccd is sooo big, just matching upto them will be a pain in the A for em.. In all 1250 cafes and counting... Hech matching, even 25% of its size will be too much for them to achieve...!! And its...
Is Musharraf not better option for Pakistan at present times?? I mean he may have ruled as a military general for years and there was no democracy and what no.!! But atleast Pakistan as a country was better off than today isnt it?? New projects/policies being implemented, investment was better...
Not that i support Americans poking their nose everywhere around the world; the aint no world policemen..!!
War is never a solution; it just makes the problems worse..!!
Iran is a super oil rich nation..!! So the same model cannot be applied to other countries who do not sit on huge pile of crude oil..!! Simple as that..!!