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    مسيحي ادعى بأن المسجد الحرام تم بناؤة في زمن عبد الملك بن مروان وعندما طلب شمسي منه الدليل هرب ... حوار عباس مع جوزيف يدعي بأن إله اليهود ليس إله المسلمين ولا النصارى وان معجزات النبي موسى تم تأليفها لن اواصل الحوار معك وانت ترفض مصافحتي حوار محمد حجاب مع إمرأة من حركة النسويات
  2. R

    you want to learn,know....33333

    عن أبي ذر جندب بن جنادة وأبي عبد الرحمن معاذ بن جبل رضي الله تعالى عنهما عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله وسلم قال: (اتق الله حيثما كنت, وأتبع السيئة الحسنة تمحها, وخالق الناس بخلق حسن) رواه الترمذي وقال حديث حسن, وفي بعض النسخ حسن صحيح . The Authority Of Abu Dhar Jundub bin Junadah, and Muadh...
  3. R

    you want to learn,know....33333

    Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) observed: Avoid the seven most grievous sins. (The hearers) asked: What are they, Allah's Messenger? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: Associating anything with Allah, magic, killing of one whom Allah...
  4. R

    you want to learn,know....33333

    We will likely find that there are many things beyond our comprehension, but we will also find spectacular and numerous new ways of understanding the world and universe we live in. Also, from the human being’s perspective, the sheer size of the earth we inhabit gives us the impression that the...
  5. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    \\\ … Biologists have found recently that good smells such as that of flower activate the memory centers in the brain and help man has a stronger memory. They add that smelling a fragrant smell before sleeping helps strengthen what man has learned during the day. Other studies have also...
  6. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    غايتنا في الحياة! محمد حجاب في حوار مع ملحد مناظرة جميلة* هل تتبعون يسوع (عيسى)؟ عدنان رشيد وهاشم في حوار مع امرأة مسيحية* دكتور ومستشرق أمريكي أراد الطعن في الإسلام فمدحه وأكد صحته - It Is Impossible To Reform Islam
  7. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    The Quran on the Origin of the Universe The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical, clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of ‘smoke’ (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition).[1] This is one of the...
  8. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    The people of knowledge among the Muslims agreed a long time ago to the fact that the Earth is round. Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allaah have mercy upon him said, “Know that it is agreed that the Earth is round-shaped. The orbits are circular as stated in the Book, the Sunnah (Prophetic...
  9. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    Every religion in the world has some concept of miracles in it. Islam is no exception. In spite of the fact that Islam is propagated in the media as the most rational of system of beliefs and practices, there is definitely a notion of miracle in the system. The most significant element of Islam...
  10. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    متى ولد المسيح احمد ديدات محاضرة مناظرات أحمد ديدات - من هو أبو المسيح عليه السلام اول معجزة للمسيح في الكتاب المقدس مصيبة لماذا سينزل المسيح فى آخر الزمان ؟ لماذا المسيح فقط ؟! سيدة غير مسلمة تتهجم على يوسف استس وتقول له كيف تتجرأ أن تترك المسيحية فدمر سؤلها بدقائق
  11. R

    you want to learn,know....22222

    the pyramids 1. The researchers confirm that clay is the building material of the pyramids, and these buildings are the highest buildings, known from ancient history to the modern era. All these facts confirm that the Quran verse is true and consistent with science and one of the verses of...
  12. R

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    brothers and sisters I discuss various scientific, humanitarian and religious information I hope you will benefit you are welcome always here \\\ --- Do not fool yourself (67) O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have...
  13. R

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    The Islamic perspective is that miracles can be God-given signs of prophethood, but don’t imply divinity. So just as the miracles of Moses, Elisha, and Muhammad don’t imply divinity, neither do those of Jesus. Let’s look at a few examples: 1. Jesus fed thousands with a few fish and...
  14. R

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    The Creator created us as free people in the world and also has placed prophets sent by the exhortation to the people on earth and had to lay solid. The creator has said: The man who seeks God will my satisfaction embark and the man who seeks the satisfaction of the subject matter, his own path...
  15. R

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    Was Muhammad really a prophet? Was he just a convincing fake? How could they find out? These are the questions which the leaders of the Quraish were continuously asking themselves. They finally decided to consult the Jewish rabbis in Yathrib about the problem, since Jews had had more dealings...
  16. R

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    Muhammad the son of `Abdullah is Allah's Prophet and the Final Messenger Sent by Allah to the Inhabitants of Earth. My brothers and sisters everywhere! You should know that the Messenger, Muhammad the son of `Abdullah (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) is Allah's Messenger in reality...
  17. R

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    Muhammad (pbuh) is prophesised in the book of Isaiah: It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12: "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned." When Archangel Gabrail commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by...
  18. R

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    Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia) In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba...
  19. R

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    After many studies on athletics, scientists have found that people who used to practice jogging or walking, have muscles and knees in a good condition as long as they keep practicing without a stop. Also they found that people who stop practicing are exposed to knees problems. So they made a...
  20. R

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    , why?.....… Scientists say that sleeping on the left side is not favored, as the heart would be under the pressure of the right lung, the biggest of the two lungs, and this would affect its contraction especially if the person is old. Also they assure that the full stomach which itself is...
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