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  1. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    That 150km is for fighter sized aircraft as they can manoeuvre easily to bleed energy of the missiles 250km is for tankers Aew&c transport aircraft..... it is safe to assume that PL 15 is better or equal to Aim 120D in terms of range because it pushed the Americans to go for Aim 260 or they...
  2. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    So why is it that PAF did not unveil this UAV is it not ready yet ? Or undergoing trials? We know that PAF is making one under project Azm....
  3. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    We are not saying that its better than Rafael it can easily go head to head with Rafael because of AESA radar and PL 15 and net centric capabilities even in close combat HMD and PL10E is a deadly combination.... force multipliers and tactics will decide the winners
  4. Fighting Falcon 01

    Is LCA Programme finally dead?

    Additional Rafael not ordered yet Mk1A tejas still not even a prototype has flown both of them are not counted till induction and you still don't have 40 tejas HAL could only manage 4 in a year.....so you have 21 squadrons in total
  5. Fighting Falcon 01

    3 more Rafales flying-in next month - Jan 2021

    That small incident didn't happen out of thin air IAF was warned before the attack they were told to expect PAF on live tv .... and yet all they sent was 6 aircraft? Bullshit face saving...... what about shooting of own heli and killing own soldiers and a pilot captured small incident??? When...
  6. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Since block-3 is a structural evolution and has additional fuel and avionics space, everything which block-3 can house in its new airframe may not be retrospectively fit-able in earlier blocks. The physical airframe of block-I and block-IIs is exactly the same, thus all block-Is can be upgraded...
  7. Fighting Falcon 01

    3 more Rafales flying-in next month - Jan 2021

    What can Rafael do that 272 su30mki can't? Hiding IAFs incompetence behind a new aircraft and feeling good giving 9 billion dollars to French feels good ? Instead IAF should have gone for datalinks secure communications next gen BVR and next gen radar for su30mki fleet and made it a formidable...
  8. Fighting Falcon 01

    Is LCA Programme finally dead?

    MK1 Orca MK2 MK1A lol .... when you can't even manufacture 8 aircraft per year then you should probably stop making fighter aircraft and start purchasing from others why waste time in 1 year, HAL had 1 Year to make 8 aircraft they could only make 4?? major components from foreign countries...
  9. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    What is that ....
  10. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Sir it looks like a JF17 B ?that's not block 3
  11. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    So the new block 3 which we will produce at PAC will be the same as the one in China for testing? Is it just a test aircraft?
  12. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    In addition to that if production has started today then how long will it take to produce these aircraft a year ? 6 months? What about the avionics package HMD etc ?
  13. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

    Let's wait for official news from PAF it'll clear everything this tumba is butt hurt and laughing because they could only assemble 8 tejas in a year and we have 14 B units and block 3 production starting they are just showing their inferiority complex and butt ache ......
  14. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    It's a relief knowing the project is still progressing and not stuck..... what I am wondering is the prototype of block 3 that was introduced in December 2019 what will happen to it? will it be inducted?will they show it today? or is it a integration and testing unit only.....
  15. Fighting Falcon 01

    BLF terrorist killed in IBO in Kelkour Panjgur

    No sir wrong ... if you are naraz from someone you don't start killing them with ak47 and RPGs you saw what these pigs did to FC convoy if they are not given their rights then instead of killing people they should come out and ask for rights come to Islamabad in large numbers present your agenda...
  16. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

    The engines were already procured the project will be completed on time
  17. Fighting Falcon 01

    Capability Gap : Ship/Submarine to Land

    Nope The anti ship ballistic missile is P-282 The supersonic cruise missile has no official name yet
  18. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

    Hopefully we'll get them soon these along with block 3s will be a pain in the *** for IAF ..... imagine 2× block 3s flying with 1× J10C equipped with PL 15s deadly combo
  19. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured Ballistic missile submarine Arighat in final stages of trials, to be commissioned early 2021

    We don't need to when you guys leave hatches open for us ......
  20. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

    Agreed with you sir we should focus on development of subsystems instead of setting ambitious goals as a modern fighter requires the following systems : 1) engines 2) avionics 3) flight control systems 4) composites 5) radars/ datalinks 6 ) advanced low RCS airframe Instead of developing...
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