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  1. Fighting Falcon 01

    Upgrading Pakistan’s Special Operations Forces in a cost effective way.

    I was saying the max 25k is even better such a small batch to upgrade but the attention of the army is elsewhere our sharp sword is lacking the latest equipment.
  2. Fighting Falcon 01

    Upgrading Pakistan’s Special Operations Forces in a cost effective way.

    Sir recently we purchased alot of hardware for the navy worth billions I think that upgrading around 3 to 6 thousand operatives is nothing we are not Bangladesh or Africa. It will not cost more than 40 thousand usd per man and it can always be done in batches I think ssg deserves the best.
  3. Fighting Falcon 01

    India opposes Pakistan-China move to build major dam in Gilgit-Baltistan

    I think you have been watching too much NDTV ...........
  4. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to Buy 83 more Tejas fighters from HAL instead of foreign jets, CDS Rawat says

    So you are implying that you can make 100 percent of Tejas airframe in your country without exporting the materials required???Also tell me this tejas uses AMERICAN engine and ISRAEL radar and avionics so how are you not dependent on these countries for tejas?? We have more than 100 JF 17s and...
  5. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to Buy 83 more Tejas fighters from HAL instead of foreign jets, CDS Rawat says

    Considering how much time it took to make tejas (40 years) I think AMCA will be in prototype stage till 2060 and mk2 by 2040
  6. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to Buy 83 more Tejas fighters from HAL instead of foreign jets, CDS Rawat says

    Jf 17 was responsible for bombing ground targets with mirages and achieved its objective and some of them were also escorting the strike package mirage 2000s were sent to challenge them but for some reason they didn't face each other because the pilots of mirage 2000s claimed to have technical...
  7. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian snipers target unarmed civilians, a kid escapes - Video from 2019

    Obviously Kashmir is a mountainous region where else do you expect them to go if not sit on mountains and also if they were insurgents they wouldn't sit there like that enjoying the sun you idiots love to see killing and rapes this is your nature shame on all of you.
  8. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian snipers target unarmed civilians, a kid escapes - Video from 2019

    Because your troops rape and murder kashmiris and when they kill you in revenge you call them terrorists get out of their land occupying terrorists.
  9. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian snipers target unarmed civilians, a kid escapes - Video from 2019

    Killing civilians isn't graphic for you surely shame on you. Also this is not how a Pakistani post looks like on LOC
  10. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian snipers target unarmed civilians, a kid escapes - Video from 2019

    Shame on you RSS goons killing innocent civilians and committing war crimes mods should ban this guy for graphic content.
  11. Fighting Falcon 01

    Stop Muslim Genocide : UAE Princess to India

    No one needs your shit hole rapist RSS GOONS you beg Arabs for oil money and aid go on and hide in your cave.
  12. Fighting Falcon 01

    PAF Within a Decade an Economical Perspective

    No $$$ Azm and block 3 are going on then how can we afford more fighters uper se Corona a gya economy phir ICU m gye g aur ye na ho block 3 ya Azm delay ho gye
  13. Fighting Falcon 01

    These French-Made Pakistani Missiles Could Sink an Aircraft Carrier

    Lol our mirages have raad 2 with enough range to hit modis office staying well within our territory. Still you DELUSIONAL Indians didn't learn from your butt whooping on 27th feb. It's not about numbers but tactics and weapon employment. India is not US you have cheap Soviet carriers that won't...
  14. Fighting Falcon 01

    These French-Made Pakistani Missiles Could Sink an Aircraft Carrier

    Yea nice joke dude what makes you think ALL OF THE INDIAN NAVY will be deployed to Pakistan and nothing will be left for defence PN is becoming a good fighting force with new purchases it does not need to fight your ships one on one but it needs to deny IN our EEZ and that it can easily do...
  15. Fighting Falcon 01

    These French-Made Pakistani Missiles Could Sink an Aircraft Carrier

    Ok let me burst your fantasy bubble Pakistan is getting 8 new subs in addition to agusta upgrade 4 054A with (YJ 12) 4 MILGEM they will have our own weapons on them with longer ranges than brahmous 400 to 500 km what makes you think that your navy will crush us lol? We are also developing a...
  16. Fighting Falcon 01

    What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

    Lol they killed one of your top general and you guys launched fake strikes on them after warning them about the attack you couldn't kill a single US soldier. Call Americans whatever you want Iran will now run to America for IMF loan and surely Corona vaccine will also come from America. If you...
  17. Fighting Falcon 01

    What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

    Lol reverse engineering is not making it's piracy and unethical. All the crap iran makes is useless we know and the world knows and laughs at you and your stupid 5th gen FAKE FIGHTER which is not even designed right to fool a Irani lol Iran makes nothing it reverse engineers.
  18. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    What's coming please elaborate.
  19. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

    Where was vedic su 30mki god of Asia when Paf was giving abhinadan some fantastic tea oh I remember it was DODGING AMRAMMS and licking the DIRT but dont be disappointed my DELUSIONAL Indian friend for you have new GOD RAPTOR OF ASIA RAPHAL :rofl::rofl:
  20. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

    100 Rafale's Are Enough For Whole PAF You Indians can just dream about buying 100 Rafael lol. Let's see what happens to Indian economy after Corona. Also where are 270 su 30s that you need 100 Rafael to counter PAF is su 30,tejas and MIG 29 not enough or maybe they are over priced Russian Junk...
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