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  1. Mithridates

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    hopefully it's in progress. also i heard a news today that Iran is trying to develop a four blade variant of cobra which is in the same class of AH-1Z and the project name is toophan-3.
  2. Mithridates

    President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh about Iran

    obama and his team used to call the john bolton an extremist. now our bomb bomb Iran dude writes books about how stupid is trump. i'm not saying more lol.
  3. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    damn, whats happening here?? people chill out. for that reason lets look at Indian version of wing chun: :partay::partay: IRI army nohed unit (if i'm not wrong) training azari soldiers and participating in qarabagh conflict:
  4. Mithridates

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    shafaq missile: cobra air conditioner:
  5. Mithridates

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    there was an estimation of how many BM are needed to destroy US bases around us, for 5-6 base we should launch almost 1700 BMs. that is a big chunk of our stockpile. i say we should focus our BMs to cripple enemy's war machine and economy and use the simple and cheap means to destroy their bases.
  6. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    :D:D you are not grown enough to talk with.
  7. Mithridates

    Featured Canada suspends exports of military drone technology to Turkey

    they do not agree to use it on christians...
  8. Mithridates

    Iran's space agency unveiled it's first kick stage for SLVs

    is it just me or you guys also don't get what this dude says??🤔🤔
  9. Mithridates

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    drones are good for destroying enemy equipment but for infrastructures, you need heavier payloads thus bigger birds.
  10. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    he is a persian born in tehran from a persian father. i do not know what you are talking about. he and every one like him deserve that. Persians could cry if a Turkish newspaper depicted a monkey which people are saying to him in turkish "do this so you be successful" and the monkey replies...
  11. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mana_Neyestani he is a persian and his father is from kerman.
  12. Mithridates

    Featured Russian Su-30 fighter jet SHOT DOWN during military drills

    as far as i know it was not pilot fault, ground crew mistakenly load the cannon ammunition. it was supposed to be a DAC training.
  13. Mithridates

    New B&T SPC9 – The Best Of All Worlds?

    each year firearm corps introduce new designs which usually all look alike and are close in function. sig had a similar smg, czech scorpion this swiss made one. and at the end of the day, they do not have a real advantage over mp-5.
  14. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    so we should charge people who commit hate crimes??
  15. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    cool i thought new shit happened that i am not aware of it.
  16. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    this is what Russian pilots do when they feel cockpit is too hot.:partay::partay:
  17. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    what is this??
  18. Mithridates

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    it's just my opinion, i think Russia might try to sell s-400 or s-500 for Iran as they are defensive weapons and weapon embargo does not include defensive weapons. now why Iran might want to buy it?? because we already paid the money for su-30 and yak-130s and if Russia can't deliver them we...
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