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  1. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    what i mean is if we manage to build seaborne 3rd khordad we can potentially prevent air strikes by large bombers like b-52 and b-1, maybe even b-2. also we can possibly target aerial refueling tankers and thus manage to reduce f-18 and f-35s successful sorties to target our shores and even deep...
  2. Mithridates

    Iranian sea skimming cruise missiles upgraded

    it was a joint venture between Iran and china in the first place. you know farsi you can read the interview of ex-navy commander regarding the manuals and examples of IIN harpoons which transferred to china. however china later denied our access to engine and seekers so we managed to build our...
  3. Mithridates

    Iranian Electro-Optical and Infrared sensors

    RU20F fire fighters IR sensor during a major fire incident in buildings, most of the access areas will be filled with smoke and blocked with fell ceiling and walls. in this scenarios fire fighters need a device to see through smoke and identify the obstacles and injured and trapped people...
  4. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    also consider the fact that in coming years we will have seaborne air defenses too. it's getting hard and hard to imagine enemy air power will have any meaningful effect on us in case of war.
  5. Mithridates

    Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

    trump foreign policy was a disaster, he is like a kid and resorts to name calling unlike any other politician in the world. he said he do not want a war in ME anymore yet he put his country in position of war several times. he couldn't get a deal with Iran, he couldn't change Venezuelan...
  6. Mithridates

    Turkish Forces Intercepted 18 tonnes of Bootleg Alcohol In Istanbul

    i don't know about istanbulic dialect but in azari we really do not have that specific words. we just describe that he/she does not believe in any/specific religion. dinsiz, imansiz and massabsiz are just mild curses.:D:D
  7. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I know they are not in same size, compare it with mirage 2000 engine. the snecma engine is also based on tf-30 TOT.
  8. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    yeah service cost and maintenance time wise it's not that good but it's fuel consumption is the same as RD-33 (the version we have on our mig-29s) while it produces more thrust. also i guess we are familiar with it after 40 years of operating it.
  9. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i was chewing my desk here while responding to the comments.:D:D
  10. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    this match's the output thrust of tf-30.
  11. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    no bro i don't have necessary knowledge in military also i have temper issues. in coming months also possibly i'm gonna get conscript.
  12. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i will not debate about military stuff with Turkish members here anymore, it's better for my health. adam engadr nafahm??
  13. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    yes please leave us alone we are delusional people who think we are at the same level of france or smt. lol they first mock you that you have no prove that you can build IIR sensors, when you share products images they say it's Chinese detector, you provide the datasheet they say it's...
  14. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    thank you bro for information, hope our discussion here did not bother you.
  15. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    i personally hope we can reverse engineer the Pratt and Whitney TF-30 in near future. this would be a real leap in our aviation industry.
  16. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    my dear Iran can not import many products due to their dual use in military, now you think US would allow china to give us military aid and IP?? there are countries out there which even without sanctions couldn't achieve half of what we did. if you think china provided us the systems first 1)...
  17. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    we never said we designed those. however we designed these which your country can only wish to have them for next decades: whenever you managed to achieve something near to these stuff then come and blabber about your military. i really don't know what gives you the...
  18. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    seriously do you know what is SAiran company?? your whole defence industry can't produce half of it's products.
  19. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i wonder how much you could export if US put sanctions on you.
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