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  1. Mithridates

    Iran buys six “Caspian Sea Monster” ekranoplans from Russia

    there is a big HESA marking on the plane. unfortunately i can not find the images of production line and i forget where i saw it. also it's not such sophisticated thing that we can not develop it by ourselves. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2015/07/05/irans-building-a-new-flying-boat/ BTW...
  2. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i think this debate is wasting of our precious time. you can not change the history you can only move forward. and now i can just see a hostile US which does not satisfies with compromises on JCPOA level and wants more...
  3. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I mean use PG, not merely gulf.
  4. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    bro Persian gulf please...
  5. Mithridates

    70 million Iranians using high-speed mobile internet: Regulator

    it will impact big firms or universities performance. I remember our uni's internet was tooo slow while authorities were saying we are using the best service available. :partay::partay:
  6. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    lol i was thinking about a self defense missile for fighter and transport jets but i was saying myself that possibly it's not feasible or practical to build one, so it might be a silly idea of mine... now look at this: miniature self defense missile for USAF. it uses passive seeker to track...
  7. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    i'm so interested to see the new engine. hopefully it's a turbofan.
  8. Mithridates

    Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

    because they did not release any new footage lately apart from some pictures from new prototype.
  9. Mithridates

    laser-guided missile system will be installed on the IRGC helicopters

    couple years ago MoD released this images of their new sights for cobras...seems like IRGC is the first costumer of their systems.
  10. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    there is freedom of speech in the PDF as i know. if there was non, people would get banned for posting and saying iran is a terrorist supporting state. no one gets banned if he is making threads based on new outlets.
  11. Mithridates

    Made in Iran

    واسه ذوب آهنه؟؟
  12. Mithridates

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    @BHarwana @The Eagle @LeGenD @was it's being a habit for this user to insult colored people here...
  13. Mithridates

    Just a Nice Pic....

    *littoral combat ship
  14. Mithridates

    Iran-China deal to ditch dollar, bypass US sanctions

    **** them all, bunch of hypocrites. JCPOA embarrassed us all, i can't forget that with the instex Germany bought ventilator from us while we were not able to buy medical supply from EU...ditch JCPOA, build a nuke and aim toward them.
  15. Mithridates

    every night at 1:20 AM Iran is going to attack Israel ( cyber Attack )

    guys stay on topic. :offtopic::offtopic:
  16. Mithridates

    About the Iran-China deal

    Iran is big enough if god forbid something happens...like the old times and Iraq war. ME beautiful with it's diversity.
  17. Mithridates

    Israel goes under radar detection of BARAV-373

    some one please translate what this dude is saying??
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