中国家门口完全在自己的实力控制范围内,它美国这个强龙断不敢在我们这个地头蛇面前生事,因为真打起来,美国在西太地区的几个据点和几个航母编队,能否存在下来都成问题,事关美国国运,很难推动,商业民族还是要比俄罗斯人、日本人这种野蛮民族要现实的多。现在中国光经济上的弹药就够美国人受的了,World Bank 的执掌人(美国)一个不留神,中国就整出个丫头行,你看IMF的执掌者(欧洲)就识相多了,乖乖得将人民币加入SDR(之前估计,2015年内不可能),因为要整晚了,AMF就出来了。...
Japanese has no any leverage to change the situation of strait of Taiwan, this kind of little trick just is making potential troubles to Japan itself. Even the leverage of China-Japan relation is in the hands of China and US, Japanese cannot change any big trends without the permission of...
import some promotion and impeachment mechanism of TT, many professionals or TTs are incompetent to their jobs like abusing other members by giving negative ratings, or lack of basic common senses of millitary, and many members contributing greater to this forum than many current TT or...
Did you post so much to me? No. You were just posting to other numerous onlookers here. More exactly how I think what you just posted is not cared to you. Don't play these little tricks to me, I have no interest in playing with any hypocrites.:lol: I needn't take a fake mask all the day, I don't...
Sorry, the performances of you and your government resolve my responses, Anyway I just told the truth using some analogies. You needn't reply this post, I have no interest to read.
The other end of the dog chain circling the neck of Tokyo is in the hand of Washington. As long as keeping close communication with Washington, there is no any need to take Japan into account.