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  1. PAKjunoon

    How Directorate S, ISI’s most Potent branch, outsmarted US in Kabul, continued subverting India

    The americans and Indians are trying to create a narrative that There is an S Directorate, which even ISI can't control. Which is complete bullshit! ISI is a very professional organization that follows the order given by it's top brass.And there is no rouge S Directorate. The success ISI have...
  2. PAKjunoon

    Pakistan converting temporary Mujahid Battalions into permanent with its new three-phased training p

    But they should be with the aircraft. I have seen other pics where the pilots are with the commander/passenger. Whats the logic of this? The logical thing should be the pilots staying with aircraft so that they can look after aircraft and take off at moments notice.
  3. PAKjunoon

    Pakistan converting temporary Mujahid Battalions into permanent with its new three-phased training p

    Why are the 2 pilots in pic with them. Shouldn't they be in their cockpit,ready to take off at moments notice?And one of is carrying some kind of bag.
  4. PAKjunoon

    Creation of Bangladesh: Urdu was never the language of Pakistan

    YES! Precisely for this same reason that Urdu is not a language of any major ethnic group,it was selected as the national language of Pakistan (East and West) If any other ethnic language is chosen, it will create resentment in every other ethnic groups. Urdu is the solution for the unity and...
  5. PAKjunoon

    A Brigadier’s Daughter Has a Cracking Response for Those Who Say ‘Army Doesn’t Deserve Defence Mein

    And there was a time when mjority of people used to walk tens of kilometers to go to jobs,markets and school. But now almost everyone uses a vehicle. This is due to economic development of the country.
  6. PAKjunoon

    Click Here to Blame Pakistan

    Pakistan biggest weakness is that it always looses the war of narrative. We don't have any narrative.We are always giving clarification and explaining oursleves.This shows weakness. The war will have ended sooner if we had a pro-active war narrative. The TTP were just a spark.Our media houses...
  7. PAKjunoon

    A Brigadier’s Daughter Has a Cracking Response for Those Who Say ‘Army Doesn’t Deserve Defence Mein

    Nope,you are wrong.You are are basing the value of the house when they get it after paying it for 20 years.Instead you should base the value of house at the time of their first monthly installment. Suppose I buy a land at Bahria Town of value Rs.10 Lakhs for a ten years terms paying each year...
  8. PAKjunoon

    A Brigadier’s Daughter Has a Cracking Response for Those Who Say ‘Army Doesn’t Deserve Defence Mein

    maI am a bloody civilian! Now that is out of way let me tell you somethings: An officer has to pay for Defence land/house for more then 20 years every month out of his salary.Even on retirement the land/house is not fully paid.He has to come with a considerable amount of cash to claim his...
  9. PAKjunoon

    Rising divorce rates in Pakistan

    Beacuse in most countries the legal definition of "domestic violence" is biased such that only "Male" are considered preprators and "Females" are considered victims. And in western countries the police are trained to always believe the women and arrest the men,without any physical evidence...
  10. PAKjunoon

    Saudi Crown Prince creates his own army of 5000 soldiers

    Yeah they had their own lawyers AND he had his own Judicial system.
  11. PAKjunoon

    Taha Siddiqui: 'Military vehicle failed to help'

    Is he HULK? 12 men could not kidnap him?? All lies.If he was telling the truth then there would be more brusies and broken bones,. Where is the interview of taxi driver?He could easily collabrate his story. But no we have to belive his words only!
  12. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    Those quotes weren't for you. Only the last paragraph was for you.
  13. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    “…And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority]. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise." [Quran 2: 228] “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over...
  14. PAKjunoon

    Shahzeb murder case: Shahrukh Jatoi, two other suspects released on bail

    Well a few years back there was an amendment made in the laws that even if the accused is pardoned by the victims family in return of Diyat , the accused will still have to serve 7 years in prison. And the state can still be party to this case and prosecute him under Fisad-al-Ardh (mischief on...
  15. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    If martial rape exist,then does: Martial Robbery Martial Stealing Martial Abduction Martial Extortion also exist?Tell me.
  16. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    Please prove how Islam is not a patriarchal religion? Or any of the Divine religions are not Patriarchal? Laws are not made for the individuals but for the whole society. Sometimes it does happen that due to some laws particular individuals of the society do suffer BUT society as a whole do...
  17. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    Every single Divine religion is patriarchal! Are all the Divine religion wrong or the religion of feminism is wrong?
  18. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    Drunk people do make love.AND sometimes they don't remember it in the morning.If a person is drunk,that does not mean any act he or she did was not consensual. Yes it is fact that he made love with his wife but it is not a fact that it was forced. And for your other argument...
  19. PAKjunoon

    Husband jailed after DNA evidence reveals he r*ped his wife

    Drunk does not mean she was unconsious!
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