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  1. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Absolutely correct, Pakistan is again missing the bus. As a nation Pakistan needs to build up all phases of economic development. Including education
  2. syed_yusuf

    Promotions - Pakistan Navy

    Congratulations all for the promotions
  3. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    If my memory serves well, it was mentioned that j10 carry 4500 kg of internal fuel ... Is that correct ?
  4. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    I am not sure which warship will use ly70 in PN
  5. syed_yusuf

    J-10C for PAF - Hypothetical Scenario

    F-16 blk52 yes could stay till 2040 but other version will be replaced way before 2040 by project azm ... All other f-16 a/b are much older fighters and cannot live that long specially without any upgrades
  6. syed_yusuf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    I wish Mr Rasheed could have kept his mouth close on this but then again he must have been told to break the news. Last I know paf requested 36 plus option for 18 to a total of 54. Later number were increased to 64 to incorporate some more examples for ccs. Currently there is a firm order of...
  7. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    And that replacement will be other than c130 new variant
  8. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    A day is going to come when PAF will have to replace c130 with some thing different
  9. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Search me on the web to find out about my back ground and my resume ... Don't Wana do it .. then don't ask about it .... People like you I believe are the biggest road block in taking that next step . You have been saying no to everything , as of it could not be done , but not providing any...
  10. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    That is already happening... The window of opportunity for USA is shrinking fast. By inducting j10p ... Pakistan has literally closed the doors on any new f-16 .... However if USA offered jsf on favourable terms, PAF might consider. Chances of it happening is very low
  11. syed_yusuf

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    Eventually yes, 10-12 years from now Pakistan will going to have nuclear powered sub.
  12. syed_yusuf

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    Pakistan is buying what is best for them, mature and decent. That has more bang for buck and what is offered ....
  13. syed_yusuf

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    I think PN will be getting two of the 4 hangout class in 2022
  14. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Dear mature elderly uncle, please grow up to be in 2021 ... U r still in 70s. Manufacturing internal combustion automobile engine is no rocket science anymore. You just need economy of scale to have right investment for decent ROI. I guess you know what ROI means. A decent plan could be...
  15. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    None of the above... And u right.. but first they build a local capability. And then expand the production. Later incorporate various markets. I am so proud of Pakistan making investments in many areas with limited budget and making progress. One are where Pakistan as a nation is not investing...
  16. syed_yusuf

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    Do Pakistan have these ?
  17. syed_yusuf

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    Why dont Pakistan adopt this 9 meter universal design to be adopted for Jinnah class project ... The way I see it ... PN should place an order for an additional 2-3 type54ap and move on to a bigger Jinnah class project to incorporate all these changes. We would 9 meter long cells to accommodate...
  18. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    It make sense, we got to start somewhere. And then keep progressing along. Someday inshallah we will get there. A thousand miles journey begins with a single step. ... Pakistan should take that step today... Mr Khan just be respectful...
  19. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    No I am not clueless, this is an area that has high roi. If you read my post carefully I not only mention jet engines but all sort of other engine types. Let the foundation now and collaboration, joint ventures, independent research Pakistan can make good progress in next 10-20 years and could...
  20. syed_yusuf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Pakistan should start in investing in engine technology, be it jet engine or internal combustion or electric motor driven. Pakistan needs to start investing now, to have a decent product 10-15 years from now depending on what it is.. for example a jet engine will take appx 20 years of constant...
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