Most of these police officers look obese or either really skinny , we need stricter weight range standards in order to be admitted didnt the police force
we should go fro some more modern ak rifles which russia has a long selection of
How the hell are you a 2cnd lieutenant already , I HAVE JOINED IN 2016 while you have joined in 2017
I don't think the financial issue won't be major , since Kalashnikov based rifles are among the cheapest , and are still really effective.
Why not buy them from turkey who make their own hk 416 rifles
The cz has a lot of recoil though , even in 5.56 mm
Zarvan i know how the ability to change calibers are important to you , their fore i suggest you to look over russia's new generation of ak rifles , the ak 12 more specifically have interchangeable barrels to allow for the use of multtiple...