"islamic" republic of pakistan "is" a circus on the world stage because of these damned illiterate mullahs. The mullah's need to be shut down i we hope for any kind of progress. Personally i wouldn't be skeptical if someone said mullahs were on the RAW payroll.
what i could glean from my indian colleagues is that india has a severe shortage of blue collar workers which explains the demand for illegal bangladeshi immigrants. However, it has a surplus of engineers and doctors......resulting in unemployement.
India does not care about its neighbours and only looks out for their own. Any foreign company seeking to enter indian markets would find it extremely hard to do so without taking an incompetent indian trader under your wings.
The general was giving a speech honouring american soldiers for american people. This isnt about pak army or its sacrifices. Pak army has fought long and brave, yes. But its not always about us. And besides no one said anything denigrating the pak armed forces anywhere in this speech.
I salute these men who died for their country and protected their friends. And i thank the general who took the pains to find out the real story. Men like those are as rare as the rarest gems. These men are truly sons of america.......the home of the brave.
The whole islamic orientation is the root of the problem. A secular approach by the government would solve a lot of problems for pakistan and get rid of the moronic laws such as the blasphemy law
My wife would be my partner not my property. Someone to share your life with, not rule over. I would never tell my wife what to wear. She would be more of a dear friend and lover.
If asia bibi is executed, i will turn my back on the nation i call my homeland. It is still better in the civilized parts where people coexist peacefully. But i fear this infection which started in the outskirts will inevitably consume the nation.
And minority members like me would have no...
I get called a false flag because of what? I am a christian pakistani currently studying in germany and am one of the rare few who are not disillusioned by the fanfare. I studied in an indian school in dubai with a whole lot of pakistanis who, like me never harboured the hate. I would call...
A conflict...ofcourse but a full scale war? I would say highly unlikely. Risk of a nuclear war is too great and we all know a conventional war between nuclear powers could escalate into nuclear strikes. I would say the chinese leaders are well aware of the facts. Unlike the remaining optimistic...
Happy birthday JESUS CHRIST. Son of god etc etc and the works. This is merry christmas to "christian" members.......for once in your life....acknowledge our existence as a seperate entity. I say that to my pak breatheren. We are not the prodigal children of islam.
I read all comments....including the chinese ones. Whatever "assurances" a chinese forum member can provide it means nothing. Since foreign policies are rarely dictated by hyperactive forum surfers. It is decided by men of wisdom. In my humble opinion i see our nation as a crying baby constantly...
Actually, pak scouting missions indicate a slow build up of indian military within their "road construction" and similiar projects. This may indicate that india is looking to replace the US and NATO in afghanistan. This may also be the reason behind the rapid modernisation of troops and hardware...
What forceful conversion to christianity are you referring to? I have seen missionaries operate. All they do is set up camps, school, run medical missions and preach. At the end of the day someone comes along with the genuine interest of joining the faith. Hindu extremist elements who cannot...