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  1. O

    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    I m commenting as a poster.. You made a statement that such comments cannot come on PDF. So are you in Pakistan the guardians of all muslims in the world.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    How come you are the spokesperson for Muslims around the world. Its Burma's internal matter
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Why get too agitated on it? Isnt Asian history full of genocidal episodes ... we also know who the perpetrators were . As I said, introspection is painful, but essential if you want to grow up. Cowboy fantasies are good only till you dont get shot.
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    But the US economy is Fu@@ked for ever. And China is buying up their crap bonds which Fed issues to keep the economy alive. You have to encash it sometime.. but u cant do it because then the US economy implodes. I think you have a tiger by the tail. Indian imports are mainly oil / gold...
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    It wont go so far but will be unstable for sure. Regarding Gold - Gold imports are a major cause of CAD.Our Finance Minister would like Indians to stop gold purchase and put money in the stock market. But with the wisdom of ages in their bones, Indians are buying gold...at least the ones who...
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    I never denied that. But it has other components too.
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    India's first homegrown aircraft carrier set for 'launch'!

    Thats metaphorical.. Hope you understand.
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    Jammu & Kashmir to build 1,000MW Power Project

    I think that,s a very simplistic and wishful thinking. Kashmir is richer than many states which have no insurgency.
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    India's first homegrown aircraft carrier set for 'launch'!

    Why even mention Bangladesh? We dont need an Aircraft carrier against Bangladesh...a flyswatter will do....
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    All religions have restrictions on marriage. It is only that they were not being followed strictly.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    How is disallowing inter-religious marriages genocide? Does Islam allow their females to marry males of other religion without the guy becoming a muslim first? Thanks for telling me... Pls tell that to the other fellow too.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Just making sure that 5% does not become 50%
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    Its not the trade deficit but the CAD which is responsible. While trade deficit was always there, it was bridged by NRI remittances and lately by hot money and some FDI. The FDI targets did not materialize, hot money is fleeing and the result is for all to see.
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    Its all Chiddu's doing. He thought he is too smart. import like there is no tomorrow and meet the CAD through hot money coming in the stock market. Unfortunately, it cant continue forever. So now the more desperate measures to get FDI by opening retail, telecom...what not. India is going to have...
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    The Current Account Deficit is just not sustainable. Indian economy is riding a tiger and the FM is resorting to increasingly desperate measures to plug the CAD. It is a simple arithmetic - you import more than you export, your currency is gonna have it in the long run - no exceptions. Gold and...
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    9 highest Statues in the World, none of that is the Statue of Liberty

    Buddhism is virtually a sect of Hinduism. A mere philosophical deviation. It gets rid of various gods and goddesses who oversee the functioning of the creation and assigns this role to Karma - in effect, a stripped down version of advaita. Given this, it is surprising that Buddhists are the...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Problem is that most of them, including the Brahmins, have turned atheists and they pride themselves on it. As a result, they despise religion and religious people, considering them to be unenlightened country bumpkins. A typical Bhadrolok is sold on Marxism, humanistic liberalism and scientific...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Both CPM and TMC are in the vice grip of Muslim votes. Do you recall that a young love ji@@di - Rizwanur Rehman - was killed by the police a few years back. I m told this single incidence turned Muslim vote away from CPM and was instrumental in bringing TMC to power. Muslims are now around...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    I have many Bong friends... All very nice ..and very emotional... Prick their ego and they will hit back...verbally that is, for they are mortally afraid of physical combat. I think the reason for so many Bengali freedom fighters is that their innate sense of superiority was outraged by...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    I have many Bong friends... All very nice ..and very emotional... Prick their ego and they will hit back...verbally that is, for they are mortally afraid of physical combat. I think the reason for so many Bengali freedom fighters is that their innate sense of superiority was outraged by...
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