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  1. O

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    Russia was never a super power.
  2. O

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    I always admire our Chinese brothers for their emotional maturity. We Indians have lost it somewhere along our 1000 year slavery which finished our elite. Hopefully we will recover.
  3. O

    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    Politics is always muddy. Do you believe in philosopher kings?? If you do, they are the worst.
  4. O

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    Neither India nor China can become a super power. At the best they can become middle income countries with sufficiently independent defence and foreign policy for protecting their civilizations. None of them is expansionist...rather they are both insular. A superpower requires high per capita...
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    Are you still in any doubt about who is doing that?
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    Psycho-biology profiling of Indians finest politician

    I dont like that. He should be upfront about Hinduism. We dont want Vajpayee-2
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    Ishrat Jahan case: Intelligence won’t survive the investigation

    The whole mess arises because there is a foreign woman in the country who enjoys absolute power with zero responsibility. Power with responsibility balances your action as the PM will always think about the consequences of a weak IB. But the woman has no stakes. For her -- the goodies of power...
  8. O

    Psycho-biology profiling of Indians finest politician

    All pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. Psychoanalysis is in any case a thoroughly discredited approach. This is also a classical leftist ploy to discredit their opponents. Was widely practiced in Soviet Russia. Some jewish marxist scientists had in fact done some pseudo research about...
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Fully agree. In fact, if you become an extremist, the other fellow dare not.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Too bad many of your coreligionists don't know that and are making an issue of it.
  11. O

    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Phir shaheed?? Man, you will need a lot of ID permutations.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    It is very obvious that sophistication of expression is not one of your strong points.
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Your comprehension deficiencies are glaring. Did I call Islam a cancer?? Read it again. And if english is not your strong point, brush it up. I have said that infinite growth is not natural, and no religion should aspire to it.
  14. O

    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    There is a problem with your comprehension and you seriously need some education. Noone has supported genocide. But yes, many of us support the marriage restrictions. Dont get so worked up.. might bust an artery...:D
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    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    Nice salesmanship. But many of us value our honor.
  16. O

    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    If that is so, and the mods are so biased, we should get the hell out of this forum. And not only this, but also the India Defence Forum which is run by the same guys. That will teach them and hit where it hurts...the wallet.There are many fora like Bharat rakshak where we dont have to face...
  17. O

    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    This is the internet and not your sovereign Pakistan territory...... so don't try to BS.
  18. O

    Monks in Myanmar have drafted a law that would make illegal marriage betwee

    You have comprehension issues?? You mentioned PDF. I can see u are in Germany.
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