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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    So you want to insult Hindus and Lord Ram in the dirtiest possible way...but your own religion is too sacred for you??
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Whats with these xtists.. why are they so ashamed of their religion?
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Smart alec, so you will build a bar at his birthplace??? Are you the only one in the world who worships lord Rama ?
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Oh, you belong to A$$istan???
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    As a follower of Sanatan Dharma, do you not believe that Lord Rama is to be worshipped as Maryadapurushottam?
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Pakistani national integrity??:yahoo:
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    And still you claim you want to build a night bar there???:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Proves what you are.. Liar... so ashamed of admitting your religion.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Yes I can... and Im sure you are lying... No Hindu, however debauched, will say that he wants to construct a night bar at the site.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    He is a thorough anti-indian and I have proved that he is actually a pakistani.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Do you feel so ashamed in saying that you are a hindu that you have to say it in a roundabout way....
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    There is no need for me to discuss a religious issue with non hindus. And you better not insult hindus on the temple issue.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    So if u are a Muslim, dont stick your nose into what does not concern u.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    It is very relevant... the Temple is a Hindu issue.. so if you are not one, dont butt your a** into it.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Thats what I keep telling guynextdoor...but he wont listen..
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Tell me truely...are you a Hindu.... Im very sure you are not.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    What do Pakistanis such as you know about what hindus want????
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    If you are a hindu, even your grandfather must have told you that Ayodhya is the birth place of Rama. And for your information, the murti of Lord Rama was placed on the site in 1948...read about it before commenting.
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    What is literacy got to do with worship of Ram.. are you one of those semi educated idiots who thinks that science has made religion redundant?
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    Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

    Yes, it will solve the problem of Hindu non-assertiveness which is the biggest problem in the country today... As for food... which party is responsible for non availability of food to the poor so many decades after independence... One who does not support a temple at Lord Ram's birthplace...
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