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    Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

    This is probably done by India. They are known to create false flag terror attacks to further their political agenda.
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    Nearly 13,000 women raped in Assam in 8 years

    Yea probably. Indians so want to be like us Asians. We have much fairer skin so ugly Indian men want to be with our beautiful women. But us Asian men don't want to be with Indian women. Plus, rape is ingrained in into culture. It's a way of life there. Sad.
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    Nearly 13,000 women raped in Assam in 8 years

    Indians truly disgust me. They rape beautiful Asian girls. Psychopathic freaks.
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    Decline of China: Identifying China's Successors

    Turkish economy is a joke. Their only source of income is the money terrorists pay the Erogan regime.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    Stimulus package was necessary after the 2008 GFC. Sure it had its side effects, but its manageable.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    China builds ahead of demand so when demand for office space/infrastructure pop up, the supply is already in place. That's why China don't have too many bottlenecks in infrastructure. Pudong used to be labelled as a 'ghost city' in the 1990's. Go there now and space has run out as every building...
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    Dude, investment makes a big part of our GDP. Of that investment, infrastructure makes up a sizeable portion. Yes we have been spending trillions on infrastructure over the past 2 decades. Not every year.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    We have been building up our infrastructure like crazy spending trillions over the last two decades. Despite all that, our infrastructure is still decades behind developed countries. India will be lucky if you spend AND build infrastructure at the same size and speed as we did. Even if you...
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    What ignorant nonsense. India don't have the cheapest wages, as other countries (Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc) have cheaper wages, better infrastructure and much better business environment. No one cares about what India will be by 2020. Other countries could be greater than $1 trillion. India don't...
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    So is every other country. Not just developing countries but now developed countries too.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    If collapsing currencies cause manufacturing booms, then Argentina and Zimbabwe should be manufacturing powerhouses. The fact that Indians believe tis sort of nonsense just goes to show why their economy is falling apart. India is economically finished.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    Indian economy was a debt based consumer economy, once their debts became unsustainable, they were forced to reduced their deficits. Investors have lost confidence in the Indian economy thus their currency is collapsing. Indian Rupee is going to hit 100. Why? Because the Indian economic model...
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    Russia Grants Snowden 1-Year Asylum

    Any Chinese that doesn't think the US is China's number 1 geopolitical ENEMY is a traitor. The United States is a despotic mass murdering regime that is hell bent of exterminating the entire Chinese race.
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    That's a sign of an economy that is not doing well. Growing economies don't experience collapsing currencies. Indian economy is in tatters.
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    CSIR to launch new supercomputer

    Supercomputer speeds advance do quickly. By the time India get this ready, even petaflop will be outdated. Teraflop is already outdated.
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    Russia Grants Snowden 1-Year Asylum

    Totally agree. The Russians maybe economically weaker than us but they are vastly more powerful than us. It's not even close. They have an independent foreign policy which we seem to be losing under this current CPC. This is why Russia is feared and respected around the world.
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    Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

    Apparently Hitler got the Nazi symbol from a Hindu symbol? Can anyone confirm this?
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    China risks following Japan into economic coma.

    Yea we have heard this we are Japan story for decades. West is getting real nervous because we are catching up to them so fast economically, financially, technologically, militarily and politically. We have a very resilient economy and a very strong leadership that is able to solve our problems...
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    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    It's incredible how ignorant Indian members are about things. No wonder their economy is falling apart with such ignorance. Indians are far too jingoistic to ever be able to surpass us. Their jingoism blinds them from their shortfalls. This means their problems never get tribally solved, only...
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