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  1. Mian H Amin.

    Will the US block an Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline?

    well , no i dont think so ..only way to stop is if america give Pakistan free gas instead :D
  2. Mian H Amin.

    Funny Pictures From India and Pakistan

    hahaha state bank of india .. chutia brach hahaha
  3. Mian H Amin.

    Iranian Navy Fleet Docks in China's Southern Port

    developing ties with china .. good
  4. Mian H Amin.

    Saudi prince feels humiliated by Forbes ranking

    war gya bhai ... kya chawal log hain ye ..
  5. Mian H Amin.

    Do you have any questions about China?

    yeah one question every Pakistani would want to ask i think that, whats the perception of Pakistan and Pakistanis in china ??? because in Pakistan more than 99% Paks consider china a good friend. but rest of 1% people like me, we also dont hate or dislike china, but dont like too much Chinese...
  6. Mian H Amin.

    Pictures from cities | Lahore

    lol only one pic can be seeen :P
  7. Mian H Amin.

    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    wtf is that banchod doing ??????????????????? do he have no respect for old people ???? i pray may his own son snatch his beard when he get old. well you people elected her .. now you have to face music ... next time think twice before voting some party ...
  8. Mian H Amin.

    Pakistani singer Ali Azmat Decides to not Sing in Indian Movies

    well i wont say that its a good decision or a bad one. but i think if he dont feel good than he has right not to do that ..
  9. Mian H Amin.

    Pakistani singer Ali Azmat Decides to not Sing in Indian Movies

    lol do you wana name that show ??? cuz i have never seen him hosting any show. plus if one is friend with zaid hamid, would you blame zaid hamid for that ??
  10. Mian H Amin.

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dies

    how about netanyahu ???? general !! A brave man, Commandant President Hugo Chavez. RIP. you will be missed.
  11. Mian H Amin.

    Marvi Sermid Making Fun Of Islamic Verse On Twitter

    well she is a muslim, and she changed her name, on advice of an hindu cleric.
  12. Mian H Amin.

    Brainless Syrian Rebels shot down a helicopter using Chinese missile FN-9

    yeah same as what happen in libya ... they armed so called rebels to get rid of ghaddafi, but later their own ambassador got killed by those people and AMERICAN bullet..
  13. Mian H Amin.

    43% indians back Modi as next Prime Minister

    yeah you are good in making sure they die in gujrat like you burnt muslims in gujrat adn Christians in godra ... and yeah like bjp's rss and your army killed 63 Pakistanis in so called samjhota express ... no but reality is they have denied visa to your PM to be ..
  14. Mian H Amin.

    Brainless Syrian Rebels shot down a helicopter using Chinese missile FN-9

    Pluse americans ... bone of contention ...
  15. Mian H Amin.

    43% indians back Modi as next Prime Minister

    dude, world knows modi's performance .. may be thats the reason he cannot get visa for uk, states, canada australia and other major countries ..
  16. Mian H Amin.

    Brainless Syrian Rebels shot down a helicopter using Chinese missile FN-9

    i think you need to get your facts right .. its mainly Nato who is supporting them. even Britain publicly approved to supply them with arms and armoured cars
  17. Mian H Amin.

    Updated statistics: Total number of personnel 678,617!

    wao .. does it include reserve aswell ??? just like Pakistan have around 600,000 active and around 500,000 reserve troops.
  18. Mian H Amin.

    Geert Wilder's Confidant converts to Islam !!

    yeah i read it yesterday. he was an anti muslim politician... but see he himself is a muslim now
  19. Mian H Amin.

    top secret >>> part-1 (Boeing - ScanEagle)

    good, thats a good one to america ;)
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