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  1. J

    India’s Democracy - Beginning To Ask The Right Questions

    I don't believe poverty is somehow growing in India. It is going down and income inequality rampant in all developing countries. 1) Hunger issue. This is not due to lack of food. Women in poor areas ween babies of very quickly and that is real culprit. Blame corruption and socialist attitude...
  2. J

    India’s Democracy - Beginning To Ask The Right Questions

    You mean what you read on defense forum of Pakistan? Well it is quite remarkable than Pakistani people know more about Indian problems than Indians itself. Too bad most Indians are quite clueless about Pakistan. I guess Pakistan shares the burden for both.
  3. J

    "Fight Back"

    er..Too many free things in India. It doesn't cost much. It's India! India and pepper...
  4. J

    India’s Democracy - Beginning To Ask The Right Questions

    From the article: The plight of most Indians is ignored by discussions of India’s unrealised economic potential. Manmohan Singh described malnutrition in India as the country’s ‘blackest mark’ whilst Syeda Hameed, a member of India’s Planning Commission, conceded...
  5. J

    India’s Democracy - Beginning To Ask The Right Questions

    Indians are remarkably aware of their problem. Perhaps they don't believe PDF WA is best place to discuss it. What they don;t understand is the weird obsession of Pakistan to discuss all things India. I mean Pakistan shares same problems as India and yet so many remembers don't even utter the...
  6. J

    Brazil wants Tata Motors to take Nano to its market

    It won't pass Brazilian safety standards. Nano is accident waiting to happen.
  7. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    I sympathize with your "sentiment".
  8. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    There is nothing wrong with Ugandan flag if that is your place of residence. We all know he is from Pakistan. I think his parents took him there.
  9. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Unfortunately, yes. neo-Nazis have openly paraded in front of White House. Free speech protects them. One "white neo-Nazi" was executed for hate crime in US only last week. People are free to speak their mind unless they openly incite violence. Only thing government can do is to keep close eye...
  10. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    ISI has a long history of allegedly helping terrorists. It piles up. And no, just saying something doesn't cut it.
  11. J

    IMF revises down India's GDP forecast again

    IMF endorses RBI's monetary tightening policy Ahead of the credit policy review meeting of the Reserve Bank later this month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has supported the RBI's monetary tightening strategy for taming inflation. "In economies where such overheating pressures remain...
  12. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Seriously, how old are you? Did your parents take you to Uganda? Just because a guy claims something in court, a country should start making declaration? No one has found these cells. There is no evidence they even exist. And even if they do, unless they actually DO SOMETHING, they cannot be...
  13. J

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Because "west" has not discovered these "terror" groups yet. Who has these mythical cells terrorized yet? ---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 AM ---------- Unlike sentiments displayed towards non-Muslims on this forum?
  14. J

    "Fight Back"

    Just one loser...
  15. J

    "Fight Back"

    Pepper spray works better. Hell, carry a taser.
  16. J

    IMF revises down India's GDP forecast again

    ^^Don't hold your breath on Chinese "bubble" bursting. 3.6 trillion reserve is not sitting there for fun. Be more concerned about India. It's supply lines are completely clogged. And now Congress have given up all pretense of development and it is now pandering to "poor" for coming election. MMS...
  17. J

    Dont-give-me-death-I-was-brainwashed-like-a-robot: Kasab

    He should be given one life sentence for every person he killed.
  18. J

    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    So another one bites the dust..
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