I like this arguement. Too bad it's completely generalised.
There are certain traits in men and women that appeal more to the opposite gender (due to social constructs and human biology). For women they are more personality based and as for men they're mostly physical traits. Not all people...
Tragic to see the subcontinent arming themselves to the teeth for wars that will never happen, in the end it will probably be mother nature giving us all the finger.
Anti-Semitic statement run rampant throughout the country (and pretty much the Muslim world), that much is true. But taking into context radicalisation one can make an educated guess.
How nice of you to skip to the middle rather than addressing the beginning.
Maybe Nazi Germany should be considered the real heroes of WW2 because they too fought on two fronts (in a self started war).
Well, there isn't any official "how anti-Semitic are you ?" survey. So it's mostly an opinion/educated guess. Besides Balochistan KPK has the lowest literacy and enrollment rate, this is partially due to the popularity of madrassah's (around 3000 in KPK alone). As you are probably aware most of...
The question is poorly put.. What puts a country together ? Nothing but circumstances. The world doesn't live the tribal life anymore where if you get pissdd off you just pack your bags and leave. You can't just leave a country, there's been no major cessesion in the past 30 years.
A better...
Quote me if you have a valid arguement or something constructive to add to the discussion. Other keep to yourself you shitstain.
Do you think majority of pashtuns have a positive opinion about Jews ?