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  1. Steelrain

    Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

    Great day, very good news to start with.
  2. Steelrain

    Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

    Check the srilankan port India is building. Buddha was born Hindu and hymes are from Sanskrit, practically even Pakistan was a Hindu civilization.
  3. Steelrain

    Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

    How do you know its her number and the messages were not edited.
  4. Steelrain

    Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

    There is nothing free in this world, the chinese are giving a loan and if unable to repay then get your land.
  5. Steelrain

    Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

    The question is why did tahir invite her and the father sponsored the trip and later she ended up being raped and tortured, this clearly is something to do with their bad intentions.
  6. Steelrain

    Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

    If a friend invites you, you would call his mother an aunt, she would not say she was there to meet tahir, that too in an islamic country and being a muslim herself, hence she said that she was there to meet her aunt which she went there upon the invitation of tahir, but she did not know that...
  7. Steelrain

    Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

    You dumb troll, if there was no aunt then why did the father sign the bond for her visa, what were his intentions, that idiot pakistani guy who felt he would invite her to his home and make her his wife was stupid, he not only stands being a criminal by raping and torturing her even his family...
  8. Steelrain

    Pressure mounting on Hindus to quit their homes in Mehmoodabad

    Just very few incidents does not make some community marginalized, infact dalits have become ministers and businessmen, can pakistan tell same for its caste members. They would consider it would be but can the hindus, sikhs, shias ahmadis and christians feel like heaven in pakistan.
  9. Steelrain

    RSS-backed body wants Ayurveda, Siddha in "integrated" medicine curriculum

    Its a right step because every form of medicine should be utilized for betterment of mankind.
  10. Steelrain

    The untouchables’ revolt in India: Will the Brahmins suppress the Dalits again?

    Out of the 85 reserved seats, the BJP won 69. They put up a total of 80 Dalit candidates in 403 seats.
  11. Steelrain

    Pressure mounting on Hindus to quit their homes in Mehmoodabad

    I think the pakisanis are seriously misinformed, dalits are treated equally they have a quota, they have their political party as well, they have their own set of business lines as well.
  12. Steelrain

    Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

    What she is saying is right. 1. She did not visit pakistan to marry him hence she said she was there to meet her aunt. 2. She visa was given primarily for Buner, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa where Tahir Ali's family lives is also correct. 3. Once she went there she was forced to marry him and was also...
  13. Steelrain

    The cpec baby.

    The question is how much loan would the baby have to pay when he grows up.
  14. Steelrain

    Turkey: SCO is no alternative for NATO membership

    Turkey is right about the NATO thing.
  15. Steelrain

    Modi stuns Opposition! On third anniversary, NDA government cites its negatives in report card

    He is trying to fix a broken system, it will take some time.
  16. Steelrain

    Passengers on Tejas Express smash LCD screens, soil toilets: We clearly don't understand civic duty

    They should keep a camera and name and shame those idiots.
  17. Steelrain

    Major who tied man to jeep as 'human shield' awarded

    That army major deserves respect.
  18. Steelrain

    'Welcome Home, India's Daughter': Woman Forced To Marry Pak Man Returns

    That guy would now be given nishan-e-pakistan for his contribution Looks like you watch a lot of lollywood propaganda movies.
  19. Steelrain

    Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

    Why would the chinese use a shipping line to transport oil, the chinese just have to extended the present oil pipeline from turkmenistan to SA.
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