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  1. V

    South China Sea Forum

    The Paracel islands are not owned by China, it was taken by force from Chinese in 1974 while Vietnam has a mountain of documents from Vietnamese, intentional and Chinese sources. Both Vietnam and international sources show maps that Vietnam has own these islands for several hundred years...
  2. V

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    No war for 30 years? Wow, what a big achievement. You might have forgotten about 1988. A lot of countries have no war for many decades, Japan is an example. It's not something to be proud of. Nevertheless, China is not a peace loving nation by any stretch to the word. It has been threaten...
  3. V

    Vietnam, US move to hasten TPP negotiations

    Don't you know that China is trying to take advantage of TPP through Vietnam? Vietnam to Lose Advantage at Tariff Cuts from TPP | Textiles Update TPP is a big thing and many industries in China would like to participate, but they can't. China can grow to this state right now is because of US...
  4. V

    Japan to temporarily suspend ODA to Vietnam over bribery case

    This news has been debunked. Only ODA funds that connected to the specific case were suspended. All other ODA money are going through with approval as normal.
  5. V

    23 Nations to participate in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise, China 052C and 054A join

    As far as I see here, you are really bad with rash comment. Of course, there are Vietnamese posters with that behavior as well but Chinese are the majority in this board and the majority of rash comments are from Chinese posters.
  6. V

    23 Nations to participate in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise, China 052C and 054A join

    Yes, every three weeks, there is a navy ship from another country visiting Vietnam.for joint exercise.
  7. V

    South China Sea Forum

    But "Giving Up" is not strength so you are talking in circle now.
  8. V

    South China Sea Forum

    It's strength to stand up to the overwhelming odds. What's more do you need to see?
  9. V

    23 Nations to participate in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise, China 052C and 054A join

    American's ships and ships from other navies dock at our yard regularly to participate in joint events and teach us new techniques. They did it recently: Japanese warship to join exercise in South China Sea | South China Morning Post Vietnam will join if there is a drill near Vietnam, and we...
  10. V

    23 Nations to participate in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise, China 052C and 054A join

    Our observers there are enough to learn from anything useful from this event. We need to save money to build more ships.
  11. V

    South China Sea Forum

    You sound so confident that the one firing the first shot would be Vietnam while all the evidences we have until now is that Chinese harassed, rammed, and sunk Vietnamese boats. Vietnam has shown remarkable restraint under Chinese's constant assaults. This line from Chinese media is like a scene...
  12. V

    23 Nations to participate in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise, China 052C and 054A join

    There is no need to participate. Vietnam is not a blue water navy yet and we can't send our most modern ships Hawaii while Chinese ships are still in our water. I heard that we send observers there and that would be enough.
  13. V

    South China Sea Forum

    What are you even talking about? You are not following my comment to reply at all. I'm talking about a 200 km defensive zone around each ship to prevent missile attack, not the 200 nm EEZ.
  14. V

    South China Sea Forum

    The shipping lane will be shut down in case of war regardless, and the people who most like to do it are the Chinese. It is simple, Chinese ships require a large area of safety around the vessels because they copied American style of defense from attacks launched by Vietnam airplanes from the...
  15. V

    South China Sea Forum

    China lied to the world by saying that the ship was sunk while trying to ram Chinese ship. Did you not watch the video? Everything is normal is incorrect, China sent naval vessels, including its most modern LPD, Naval missile ships, AWACs, fighter and bomber jets to the area to intimidate...
  16. V

    Japan Defence Forum

    You are wrong about this. Vietnam had self-produced everything from rife to canon to missiles for years. You are behind the times and behind in news. Vietnam has started building gunboats and small missile ships locally. China has a lot of people but the GDP per capita is far behind Japan...
  17. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Japanese ships against ship from Honkong And this is a Chinese ship ramming Japanese Coast Guard ship. See any similarity with this one? We are trying to get away from you. The only obvious course is to expand trade with Japan, ASEAN, India, and the US. Attrition warfare is our...
  18. V

    South China Sea Forum

    First, yes, we are bearing our ships to receive hits from yours without fighting back, we are showing you our spirits while at the same time prevent a war to save lives for both countries. We are like a tiny boxer, small, but never back down. You should have learnt that by now looking back at...
  19. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Of course, what they would show is Chinese ships chasing the boats and some occasional water cannon attack on Vietnamese ship. But what they did not show is the barbaric actions such as water canon targeting engines, glass windows, much bigger Chinese ships ramming Vietnam fishing boats...
  20. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Then you should know by now that your leaders are all lying through their teeth.
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