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  1. W

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    I'm amazed that you found the least important part of my statement to comment on. My people did invent democracy. No, it didn't come from an Indian or a Persian or whatever BS you want to spew. Democracy began in Athens, a Greek city-state. Deal with it. Yes we did retard. Oh no, it must...
  2. W

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    My people invented democracy, and we use it to this day in almost very nation we have. At the same time, we are the most prosperous and powerful nations. It's clear that the excuse that you can't get anything done because you are a democracy is false. Our countries didn't even use democracy as...
  3. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    We should flood Vietnam with 50 million Europeans. Oh, you don't want that? RACIST. And supposedly you're an American. Haha! Is that why you keep protecting Vietnam on these threads? Go back to where you came from, and stop pretending to be an American.
  4. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    China is a state-capitalist country, but politically speaking it still functions as a one-party Communist state. I think that the Singapore model would work out for y'all a lot better than the corrupt one-party state currently in place. You can still be state-capitalist with that.
  5. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Not just West Europe but the Eastern European peoples as well. They are in the same position as you. They will catch up to their White brethren in the same way China will catch up to her Northeast Asian brethren. The only thing that has left them down was Communism, the same as you.
  6. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    I'm not surprised. My brother went to the inner regions on a field trip and was surprised by the cleanliness and orderliness. (I think he went to Chengdu in Sichuan province.) You should be proud of that. No other 3rd world country is able to maintain such cleanliness without Western help. I...
  7. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    With one exception... These immigrants are a completely separate race, with a completely separate set of genes. Yes, we had Germans, and then Irish, and then Southern Italians/Sicilians, and even Slavs being considered lower than our Nord European people. But in the end, all you have to do is...
  8. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    If you look at pictures of these cities your doubts would immediately be forgotten. The Eastern Coastal cities are quite developed. The 3rd world inland regions are what look like Africa.
  9. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    1st World just means "developed" today. Not the Cold War era 1st World (NATO). Also, GNI is not a good indicator of development. It does not take into account purchasing power differences in countries. GDP (PPP) is the best indicator for living standards. Well.... Have you ever been to...
  10. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Holy s*** this thread has gone off the rail. I never said that. We are all the descendants of immigrants that came to this country within the last four centuries. This is irrelevant. What IS relevant, is that up until the mid 1960's immigration reform, the people that came to this country were...
  11. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Actually, 60% of Whites didn't vote for Obama. The people who built this country are being demographically destroyed. You want to see the future of this nation, or any other nation these people are flooding? Take a look at 3rd world California. The state has descended into chaos, and this is...
  12. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Anyone who thinks India is a 3rd world hellhole (practically the entire global population) is actually a Pakistan/Chinese/[insert anti-Indian nation here] spy. It's their level of intelligence. They are intellectually incapable of understanding that most Americans too find India to be Hell on...
  13. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    And you're what exactly? A Somalian? Seeing as how we built this country, no one is more "American" than we are. And don't bother bringing up the Amerindians. The United States of America didn't exist before 1776, and the people who founded and built it didn't exist on the continent before the...
  14. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Yet everything I said is true.
  15. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Whites are the only people who cannot be proud and love their own race without being called racist. Guess it must be that inferiority complex of jealous 3rd worlders. White people have so much to be proud of. Without us, the world would not exist in it's current form.
  16. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    OK, but if you're genetically European (White) then you're White. They may be a mixed-race anyway, so it doesn't matter. I think many have a significant component of Amerindian genetic admixture.
  17. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Not sure what you mean. The people of these countries are largely descended from Italians, Spaniards, and other Southern Europeans. The only reason I'm edgy about them is because I don't know how much Negroid and Amerindian admixture they have. Most people don't throw them in when they consider...
  18. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Basically all of Europe + Western offshots (USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). I think that Argentina, Uruguay, and (maybe) Chile could be considered White countries as well.
  19. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    The response typical of a 3rd world race that knows the evidence is unquestionable. So, what did we learn from this escapade? 1: White crime rates, of almost all types, are lower than India by quite a margin 2: Whites have built modern civilization from the ground up. We have invented...
  20. W

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    This thread has become so off-topic, but I must say... How can ANYONE, in their rightful mind, compare THAT ^^^^^^^ to THIS: EVEN THEIR CHEAP KNOCKOFF WOMEN CANNOT COMPARE!
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