So far:
Uruguay -:- South-Korea
USA -:- Ghana
Germany -:- England
Argentina -:- Mexico
are set to play in the eight final
That was one hell of a game and a night, I love this World-championship and I love Germany! :)
Go Özil!
Unbelievable, the USA made it! :usflag:
goal in the last minute
now a victory by Germany later on and in the eigth final we will play england, that'll be awesome!
What makes you say that? oO Do you have super powers to see through every disguise?
Someone going to Pakistan to fight alongside the Taliban in a burqa is not a "Westerner".. :rolleyes:
This one is an immigrant from Syria btw..
There is nothing western about him except for him leeching of...
I won't watch the nonsensical propaganda by a hatepreacher, who isn't even a scholar. Spare me. Also the moderator has also ended our discussion.
See what sensible Muslims think of him here
Ja echt. Was meinst du denn mit "Richtige Deutsche"? Also ich glaube die Eltern von einem von beiden sind nicht hier geboren, falls du das meinst. Der hatte auch ne Pakistan-Flagge in seinem Profil.
Wie bist du denn auf das Forum gekommen?
Oho das klingt ja mysteriös ^^ Najut Religion ist ja auch privatsache im Idealfall ;P, dann noch viel Spaß in diesem Forum, ist echt sehr interessant weil so viele unterschiedliche Leute hier sind.
@Hammy007: What kind of answer is that supposed to be? Is what I listed part of Sharia and in the Qua'ran and Hadith or not? You know its true.
Sometimes I get the impression people who defend Sharia did not read their own books...
Ich dachte das würde mein Name even. auch schon vorher verraten? ;)
Ganz recht. Bist du Muslim? Wenn ja, glaubst du einfach nur an Allah oder nimmst du die Religion richtig ernst und den Koran gar wörtlich? :O
Ach komm das ist doch lächerlich, "er hatte es nicht leicht" ist doch keine Rechtfertigung oder Begründung Terrorist zu werden.. Ich hab dir ein Beispiel gegeben in welchem Umfeld es halbwegs verständlich ist.
Niemandem in Deutschland geht es so schlecht das er auch nur in der...
I refer you to my earlier post in this thread, where I explain why there is no such thing as Islamophobia.
I wasn't defending anything, hurting people is despicable and hurting people because of their race, belief or disbelief is especially primitive and evil.
I was explaining...
Oh come on, that is so low.
There is a lot of racism and hate in your country too, most likely much more than over here where we openly welcome foreigners and even give them money.. -.-
This women was stabbed by an eastern european immigrants who is just your classical racist. It has nothing...
Maybe CNN missed it or you missed it on CNN? But I know it has been on in other countries as well, Austria for example. Its a form of protest as you might have heard from the lyrics.
BBC and Britain in general is too pathetically politically correct to show it probably.
There is not even a plan to ban the burqa in Germany, because apart from about 20-30 women, German Muslim women are sensible enough and seemingly their husbands too not to wear it. If that changes however their will most likely be an ban too.
It is also only a ban in public buildings in France...
Habe ich doch überhaupt nicht, ließ meinen Post nochmal!
Ich hoffe du denkst nochmal darüber nach was du über Eric, denkst.. dazu hast du garnichts gesagt.. oO