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  1. K

    Trump says Andrew McCabe’s firing is a “great day for democracy”

    Fire McCabe is an intimidation from Deep State to the FBI. Push them to accelerate the "elimination of Kat Sung" case. 1,003. Intimidation to create fake evidence (2/3/2018) It is clear the comic drama is a continuation of the plot to elimination of Kat Sung. First Trump fired Comey, When...
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    Navy SEAL that killed Bin Laden says corpse photos are fake

    The whole story could be a fake.
  3. K

    Trump arranged for a group of prostitutes to urinate on the Moscow hotel bed where the Obamas had s

    943. Trump and coming economic crisis (1/18/2017) I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on: 1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are...
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    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    I think it was another distraction. If I fell in their "illegal gift" trap, then there could be a movement of "impeach Donald Trump" that would have drawn the attention from the framed case. For some reason, they cancelled that movement quickly. It ended with Steve Bannon as a scapegoat. Is it...
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    Something big will happen this March

    The war prediction in March based on a murder plot on Kat Sung. The Feds used to create big events to distract people's attention on a small murder case. 1008. Manipulating legislative (3/9/2018) My wife, my brother and his wife will have a travel to China and Taiwan in late March. Of course...
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    Something big will happen this March

    War, and natural disaster such like earthquake, or global economic crisis.... will happen this March. It won't happen naturally, it will be man made. Quote, The Pentagon’s “Ides of March”: Best Month to Go to War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 01, 2018 Timeline of March...
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    US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs

    Carrier lays off first 300 employees on 6-month anniversary of Trump's presidency Tony Cook and James Briggs, IndyStar. ET July 19, 2017 https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2017/07/19/carrier-lays-off-300-6-month-anniversary-trump-presidency/491205001/ ------------------...
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    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    942. How the FBI helps Donald Trump (1/11/2017) Trump is the candidate of the FBI. He from the beginning knew the secret deal of email hacking between the FBI and Russian secret police. Though Trump said hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’. He can not explain why he...
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    Trump arranged for a group of prostitutes to urinate on the Moscow hotel bed where the Obamas had s

    Audio: Russian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Him Naked Photos Of Trump Posted By Tim Hains February 6, 2018...
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    Corrupt Trump

    The World's Ugliest American Richard North Patterson,HuffPost• January 23, 2018 One year into the Trump administration, as our president prepares for his trip to address the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, here is the dynamic abroad: No foreign enemy could have degraded America’s...
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    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    941. Payment to Russia for hacking in US election (1/4/2017) Of course, Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of the two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts. The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to Wikileaks to issue to hit...
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    US Politics

    Hillary was attacked doing same thing. Quote, "Kushner used private email to conduct White House business The senior adviser set up the account after the election. Other West Wing officials have also used private email accounts for official business. By JOSH DAWSEY 09/24/2017 Presidential...
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    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    940. The FBI interfere US president election (12/29/2016) The FBI played an active role to interfere the US 2016 president election. It hit Democrate's nominee Hillary Clinton by email gate to help its candidate Donald Trump. The evident scene was in July 5 during Chilcot report. "FBI...
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    Corrupt Trump

    Trump's Deputy Drug Czar Is A 24-Year-Old With A Flimsy Work History HuffPost Dominique Mosbergen,HuffPost• January 22, 2018 A 24-year-old appointed to a top position in the White House drug policy office has come under scrutiny in recent days for his scanty résumé and lack of...
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    US Politics

    Julian Assange Offered Hannity Impersonator ‘News’ About Top Democrat The head of Wikileaks told @SeanHannity__ to seek ‘other channels’ for information on Sen. Mark Warner of the Trump-Russia investigation. ‘@SeanHannity__’ was a woman in Texas. BEN COLLINS 01.29.18 8:16 PM ET At about...
  16. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    Why could Russian had got Trump to be president? The truth is: The mastermind is the FBI. Russian is only a scapegoat hired to get the thing done. Clinton is victim but has been targetted by the FBI Hillary's email was hacked. She is a victim. Russian (or the FBI) is the thief. But in this...
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    Corrupt Trump

    The White House held a fancy party for its new DHS nominee, then sent the agency the bill Attendees included commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, secretary of state Rex Tillerson, economic advisor Gary Cohn, presidential advisors Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner, and big names from K Street...
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    Corrupt Trump

    Donald Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies Alex Azar would be ‘a star for better healthcare and lower drug prices’, Mr Trump said Chantal Da Silva Sunday 19 November 2017 Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary, Alex Azar, was...
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    American Economy News & Updates

    944. See how big the bubble is (1/25/2017) 17 years ago, I found the Feds moved the area residents away and bought in houses in large scale. (see #733, 734, 736. CASH FOR HOUSE). As early as 2003, I warned of a housing bubble. (see #180. Beware of housing bubble (11/16/03))That bubble keeps...
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    US Politics

    Trump's "Fake news award" is an attempt to wipe out the news agency which doesn't obey to his rule. It's easy to create a news with flaw, then feed it to an agency he doesn't like. When the news agency swallow the bait, then it became an "enemy of people". Or Trump just denies what he has said...
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