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  1. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1018. Frame a case by "replace fence" (4/30/2018) The Feds are eager to finish my case. The plot is coming one after another. On 4/28, some people in neighbor cleaned the residual Ivy on fence.(They cleaned mass Ivy several weeks ago) then a Chinese lady came to my house. She said she was the...
  2. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt By SHARON LaFRANIERE, MARK MAZZETTI and MATT APUZZO DEC. 30, 2017 WASHINGTON — During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy adviser to the...
  3. K

    Trump sacks FBI director, sparking firestorm

    961. The real reason why Comey was fired (5/16/2017) In last message, I said "The last FBI director who left the post without fulfilling the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think." But Freeh resigned to take the responsibility to sign a secret deal with China whom...
  4. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1017. Another Mafia style murder intimidation (4/24/2018) After the failure of the murder attempt of September,2017 (The case was signaled by the sixth nuclear test of N. Korea) see #979, 980, 981. The Feds immediately issued a murder signal on my wife. (see #981) In that case they intend to...
  5. K

    A real poll for Trump

    Owners of Trump Hotel in Panama Rebel Against Trump Control Nov. 28, 2017, By JEFF HORWITZ, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Owners of the Trump International Hotel in Panama are working to strip President Donald Trump's name from the 70-story building and fire the hotel management company...
  6. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    You might have missed the message #4 in this thread: "The truth is: The mastermind is the FBI. Russian is only a scapegoat hired to get the thing done. Clinton is victim but has been targetted by the FBI Hillary's email was hacked. She is a victim. Russian (or the FBI) is the thief. But in...
  7. K

    Trump sacks FBI director, sparking firestorm

    960. Silk Road Forum (5/13/2017) Trump fired FBI Director Comey. There is a big argument. I think it's part of the Feds' plan - "Drain the swamp". To have a FBI Chief of their own. The last FBI director who left the post without fulfill the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my...
  8. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help Donald Trump win Special counsel Robert Mueller said a grand jury had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election. The defendants allegedly...
  9. K

    A real poll for Trump

    I say it's "real" because the "poll rigger" won't touch it - the cost is too high, it costs real money. Now you know the real poll number for Trump. Interesting story: How Trump's brands fade away Zane Anthony, Kathryn Sanders and David A. Fahrenthold Washington Post 4/13/2018...
  10. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1016. Unusual weather links to the plot (4/17/2018) My wife was arranged a Canada tour in 9/2 to 9/9 last year. With which I predicted 9/2 would be action date and likely Korea crisis would be followed to distract. See #979. The murder attempt on me in last September repeats in this month...
  11. K

    American Economy News & Updates

    The US Economy is only Growing Because of Deficit Spending This study shows that since 2008 and the great Recession the economy didn't grow at all if you deduct the injection of debt financed deficit spending. Here is a chart of GDP minus deficit spending: This is sort of like a...
  12. K

    US Politics

    Saudi crown prince bragged that Jared Kushner gave him CIA intelligence about other Saudis saying 'here are your enemies' days before 'corruption crackdown' which led to torture and death 5 April 2018...
  13. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    Senate panel to release interviews with Trump Jr., others involved in meeting with Russian lawyer By Karoun Demirjian January 25 at 2:22 PM The Senate Judiciary Committee intends to release transcripts of its interviews with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., and others who participated...
  14. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1014. Incident violated a murder plot? (4/3/2018) C is my sister in law. Her sister and one of her brothers are the initiators of this Taiwan tour. In early February, there was a earthquake in Taiwan. I talked about it in message 1004. A couple of distant relatives who planed to go on this...
  15. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States...
  16. K

    Something big will happen this March

    I meant the Feds would create big events to distract the small murder case on my family. If the plot went soured, then the big one would be postponed. 1010. Push for another drug case framed by China and US spies (3/19/2018) It's another comic show acted by the Feds(the FBI and DEA) and...
  17. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1012. Murder attempt on my wife three days later (3/27/2018) I am the murder target of the FBI because I revealed the true face of the Feds (FBI and DEA) in Internet. To eliminate a witness of their crime, the Feds try to wrong me in criminal case. That takes three decades long. They recruit my...
  18. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    Russia Wanted Trump As President And It Got Him. Now What Does America Do? ,HuffPost• November 22, 2017 On Jan. 6, 2017, the U.S. intelligence community released a declassified version of its analysis finding that Russian President Vladimir Putin had not only interfered in the...
  19. K

    Something big will happen this March

    1009. Something big will happen this March (3/14/2018) The elimination of Kat Sung's plot moves up. On 3/12, I was once blocked to post #1008. They don't want people to know my prediction. Then my wife suddenly changed her leaving date from 3/17 to 3/14. The purpose to arrange travel for my...
  20. K

    Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help

    971. Secret deal behind Russian's email hacking (7/22/2017) Trump called Russians to hack Clinton's emails. He says now he didn't know Russians hacking deal. What was his base to call Russian to hack Clinton's email? Idea dropped from the sky? Of course, Russian wouldn't give a free service...
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