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  1. K

    US mountain fire caused 79 deaths and 1,300 missing already

    1050. A wildfire that not burn trees (12/1/2018) Here is a picture of Paradise after the fire. You can see Houses were burned into ashes, But trees remain green. By common sense, was it possible? http://www.trbimg.com/img-5bee39f5/turbine/la-me-paradise-fire-gallery-025/800/800x450...
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    Scientists say ‘Neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks

    923. Killing plot goes on (9/25/2016) My wife and my daughter are having a trip in North European from 9/23 to 10/2. I think it was arranged by the Feds.(FBI and DEA) It's easy for them to create accident in a trip. The roofing contract was finished on Aug. 2nd. The ground vibration feeling...
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    Something big will happen this March

    1051. Paradise fire was originally planed to act on 10/14 (12/8/2018) I am harassed to post in Internet. The processing become very, very slow. And frequently the computer lost connection to Internet. I think the problem is what I said in #1050 was very true that "To wipe out the witnesses, all...
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    GM To Cut 14,700 Jobs

    GM To Cut 14,700 Jobs And Close Plants In North America Kyna Dole,HuffPost• November 26, 2018 General Motors will lay off 14,700 factory and white-collar workers in North America and put five plants up for possible closure as it restructures to cut costs and focus more on...
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    American Economy News & Updates

    Trump's trade war with China is starting to get nasty for US companies Bob Bryan Oct. 25, 2018, President Donald Trump's trade war with China has dragged on for nearly four months, and American businesses are starting to feel the pain. Surveys from Markit and the Federal Reserve found that...
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    US mountain fire caused 79 deaths and 1,300 missing already

    355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05) The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet...
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    Scientists say ‘Neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks

    922. Cover up operation for Acoustic weapon (9/8/2016) On August 8th, two ladders were still there, apparently waiting someone to go to the top floor roof. So I wrote "918. Facebook harassment (8/8/2016)", showing a picture of broken branch of the apple tree." I emphasized that "the broken end...
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    Something big will happen this March

    355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05) The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet...
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    US mountain fire caused 79 deaths and 1,300 missing already

    1049. Paradise fire was done by the Feds (11/23/2018) Fearing the Feds to make arrest by claiming they found drug trace in garbage, I used to burn the withered leaves. I think the Feds created wildfires to justify an arrest. Last month (October) I wrote #1044, alleged the Feds would justify...
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    Scientists say ‘Neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks

    921. Provocation from roofing workers (9/7/2016) The roofing work seemed finished in early August. In the work there were provocation from workers. I have an extend ladder in back yard. The roofing workers used it in first day. I then hid it in garage. Next day, they went into the garage to...
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    Something big will happen this March

    1049. Paradise fire was done by the Feds (11/23/2018) Fearing the Feds to make arrest by claiming they found drug trace in garbage, I used to burn the withered leaves. I think the Feds created wildfires to justify an arrest. Last month (October) I wrote #1044, alleged the Feds would justify...
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    Trump makes toilet great again

    Donald Trump,Original Trump Toilet Brush, Make Toilet Great Again, Commander In Crap $23.50 https://www.etsy.com/listing/605577936/donald-trumporiginal-trump-toilet-brush
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    Scientists say ‘Neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks

    918. Facebook harassment (8/8/2016) The photo column of My facebook account is harassed. I can't access it for most time. https://www.facebook.com/jike.sung apple tree broken by acoustic weapon...
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    Something big will happen this March

    1048. Chemtrail to alter the weather (11/17/2018) The Feds spread chemical to change the area's air pressure to force the humid air mass away from California, that has made California a dried land for year long. 14 years ago, I talked about how the Feds changed the climate by chemtrail...
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    US mountain fire caused 79 deaths and 1,300 missing already

    1047. Behind wildfire (11/10/2018) In "1041", I wrote, "I have a feeling such a long lasting wildfires were the work of the Feds. The purpose is to find a reason to stop me from burning withered leaves." The tactic continues so I wrote "1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire " and then...
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    Angry Diners Confront Sen. Mitch McConnell at Kentucky Restaurant

    Angry Diners Confront Sen. Mitch McConnell at Kentucky Restaurant Alejandro de la Garza,Time• October 21, 2018 Mitch McConnell was confronted by fellow diners in a Louisville, Ky. restaurant on Friday night in the Senate majority leader’s latest encounter with protesters...
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    Scientists say ‘Neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks

    917. Weapon to cause a fall(8/4/2016) Recently I suffered headache. It happened especially when I sat down doing something. I think it may be the result that the Feds shooting me with EM wave ray. Although they can create a roof collapse incident by resonance weapon, they can do it by other...
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    Something big will happen this March

    1047. Behind wildfire (11/10/2018) In "1041", I wrote, "I have a feeling such a long lasting wildfires were the work of the Feds. The purpose is to find a reason to stop me from burning withered leaves." The tactic continues so I wrote "1044. Shut off power supply to "prevent" fire " and then...
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    Thousands signed a letter saying Trump was not welcome in Pittsburgh.

    Thousands signed a letter saying Trump was not welcome in Pittsburgh. He plans to visit anyway. By Allyson Chiu and Amy B Wang October 29 More than 35,000 people have signed an open letter to President Trump from the leaders of a Pittsburgh-based Jewish group who say the...
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    Ex-FBI agent: Trump got elected, thanks to Russia David Knowles,Yahoo News •August 1, 2018 “Yes. I think just alone the hacking, particularly of the DNC and the time to release by WikiLeaks and DCLeaks and others of hacked materials offset the media narrative,” Watts, who has been an...
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