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  1. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I hope Iran develops a SPAAG like that. Your thoughts @skyshadow @Mithridates
  2. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    So the no,no is about what?
  3. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    So they are operational but not unveiled?
  4. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I mean those two satellite images, Not the tabas Sayyad and 3rd khordad ones
  5. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    These images were taken from where?
  6. Saleh99

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Those were AN-2 planes converted to drones. I’m talking about TB2 drones.
  7. Saleh99

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    I don’t think any drone was shot down because simply Armenia doesn’t have Good ADs in Nagorno-Karabakh. They have some old OSAs which can’t do shit against these drones. Their good AD is placed inside armenia, I mean Tor systems and buk.
  8. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I agree about the mobile ADs 3rd khordad/ Talash. As I said above, iran has the ADs and equipment, but that’s related to the production line and If Iran is willing to deploy all their ADs or keep them hidden as part of asymmetric warfare, as you said also. Regarding the map, it was created by...
  9. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Besides the Bavar-373, 3rd Khordad and Talash systems have been around since years, yet they are deployed to very very small number of sites. Iran has all the systems but production line is slow, or systems are hidden. No one is saying cover all the country, but there are huge gaps as you...
  10. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Iran should do something, drones infiltrating the iranian Airspace more than 100km is something unacceptable. The blue area marked is a huge gap, that if we exclude the easter and south eastern part of Iran which Includes a VERY small number of ADs.
  11. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Iran doesn’t need like that drone. They already have one similar to it but they didn’t unveil it😂
  12. Saleh99

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    The Qased SLV launched by Iran has two liquid fuel stages or one liquid one solid?
  13. Saleh99

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Any info about the design? Will it look like the AH-1 cobra Or something like ah-64 or mil mi-28?
  14. Saleh99

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Both did damage. TB2 took out all the ADs in Nagorno-Karabakh, OSAs and Strelas. Both took out tanks,artilleries, infantries and other equipments. But Azeris are using IAI Harops like crazy, and this isn’t a simple suicide drone. It’s expensive.
  15. Saleh99

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    So this is a soft kill APS. Any information about hard kill APS?
  16. Saleh99

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

  17. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I won’t be surprised if those radars can’t detect Those loitering munitions. Those are old radars for the old s-300 systems developed in 1980.
  18. Saleh99

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    s SF with 2000km range means Sejjil?
  19. Saleh99

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I agree. Iran should move to SF missiles. If they cooperate with NK to get the technology used for pukkoksong-2. This missiles is a beast and has 2000km range.
  20. Saleh99

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    @skyshadow is there a new AD called 9th dey?
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