The bhagavad gita is interesting text it confirms many of the mysteries, and similiar things are around the planet. Himalayas have secret passages only the tibetan monks are aware of that leads to a place where an underground race lives.
The pyramids were built by both man and alien they are energy's lines used to repower alien crafts the truth is under giza pyramids
it's all real they have had devices to control weather, time space, gravity,
including curing diseases they are the creators and tinkerers of Life and the DNA...
Mass UFO's are going to be seen more and more in the ME in Iraq saddam hussein found the tomb of gilgamesh which is a space port that Alien crafts use to land, Anunnaki are the real creators they are returning.
The masters of the world are the reptilians and greys the humans are cattle they take DNA and other genetic material from us, and they feed off negative energy, and they are planning a fake alien invasion why do you think more and more UFO's are being seen ?
I use to be a sheep like you along...
Illuminant are really reptilian human hybrids = they feed of negative energy and suck the energies from the adrenal gland it gives them a rush the missing children are getting feed to the reptilians that live underground.
False Flag Alien Invasion don't believe it be wary of the second coming...
Please refer to what ISRO2222 was saying I didn't believe him at first but this is true the aliens feed off negative energy a false flag alien invasion is going to happen don't believe the real ones will show themselves.
Greys = feed of negative energy
Reptilians = feed off negative energy and...
The UFO's alien crafts are getting seen more and more 2012 is the false invasion by the Power be skeptical once the aliens are here because the elite are working with them.
Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans. 45223.jpegThose who think that the first extraterrestrial beings that will establish an official contact with the human race will be friendly creatures like E.T. are going to be disappointed. NASA scientists say that reasonable inhabitants of...
Collapse of the USSR, economic hard times, terrorism all lead to the rise of neo nazism not to mention Russia population decline and central asians immigrants, Mein Kampf is a best seller in Russia.
Eventually Russia will have to work out it's racial issues including with the population the...
The Libyan authorities have deported around 200 Bangladeshi job seekers in the last few days, saying their work visas were fake, but the manpower bureau in Dhaka has rejected the allegation.
The deportation starting from May 22 to 26 prompted the authorities in Dhaka not to allow the job...
Vietnams Navy is for coastal defense at best Taiwanese Navy has been preparing for the PLAN including well trained and new missiles taiwan can turn the Vietnamese navy to reef. :yahoo: