I have news for many here. You guys should embrace the reality. Absolutely nothing will happen in the coming days, weeks and months. This conflict will grind on with the Zionist baby killers committing a genocide. The world will look away like it has been doing. We will continue to ramble in...
Unfortunately these are numbers that no one will remember the very next hour. We have seen how savage the Zionists are yet their partners turn a blind eye.
The Islamic countries have failed. The Islamic countries are going to pay a very heavy penalty.
Thus far the Israelis have literally committed a genocide against civilians and babies. The question arises, where are the Islamic and particularly GCC Arab nations? They are hiding like cowards.
The Zionists are right about one thing. They will massacre Palestinians including their children...
One major lesson that all Islamic nations should have learnt from this Zionist massacre and the Western hypocrisy is as follows. Unless Islamic countries don't bundle their economic/military strength together in some sort of a union/bloc they will remain a pathetic joke.
I can guarantee you...
The Zionist Christians be like: "Please kill Jesus once more. We stand with the Zionists. Full support for our Zionist brothers."
Hindus and Zionist Christians... These are such cringe Jewish a$$lickers.