Call them nu metal , alternative metal , rap metal ..or whatever -- but heavy metal ? I dont think so ..would be a grave injustice to the likes of maiden , testament , etc
check this video - If somebody would have said something about Prophet , you know what would have happened ??This person an MP of all is abusing Ram in India...Yet you know what - No factories were burnt - no schools were shut -- Nobody uttered death rant..Life just goes on ! These things if it...
Abu - you sure are getting lot of wild idea's from the talibani camaraderie between guys .. hopefully you are not influenced! Avoid pigeons if you can - the whole idea is gross ! :no:
Anyways have been long enough on this forum to know which post to give a damn about..your avtar ..apt for the...
I understand ! And i also see that it's a uphill battle you are facing , its always is good to give it your best. Hopefully some other chaps who are surfing will get the point across and the influence will spread !
If they are not germans - they should be deported staright away . Its time that they reliquish certain perks of life that these religious nut jobs enjoy in other countries !
Fantastic News !!
:) The final game is being played. More people will opt for these kind of services - soon they will know that there is life beyond all the struggles that the kinds of geelani's are putting them through..Kashmiri's are getting integrated into Mainstream !! I relish - and look...
I dont know how this even can make news !! Certain news piece should be purely kept off the records - especially RAW related...jizzz morons will never learn.
If a particular group is advocating 911 attack - they will be tried in a trial first. If found guilty they will be punished - newspapers will report it , people will talk about it and write messages on facebook/twitter uncensored.
On the other hand . How many of you chinese mainland citizens...
Where are the crazy duo of Jong's from North Korea ? They themselves must be responsible for as many deaths - if you combine the rest of em together.
Light hearted video .
Well they had to do it - at one point or the other...
When India is now developing critical technologies for military - what is the best way to kill it ? Give India access to easy technology !!
We should be vary. US has its own interests - India has its own interests. Just have to be aware of...