Those who have a little information about aviation industry: No
Nation just thinks everything Iran's government says is valid and official like as most of the governments around the world. You know! lying may provide some short-term benefits but in long-term ...
The final version of T129 will enter the service beyond 2016 if I am not wrong. and by that time the image intensifier project will be finished. Turkey army urgently needs this helos and that's why army decides to start using it from 2013 no need to say by replacement of those parts which are...
Some high resolution images of F35:
What is the definition of an "attacking air-to-air missile"?
Exactly opposite scenario had been happened.
The X-47B is a strike "fighter-sized" unmanned aircraft. not a fighter with air to air missiles but with guided bombs.
I am not a member of the Turkish Military Forum.
"yuzde yuz yerli" is the impossible way of life in 21th century. There is no other "yuzde yuz yerli" plane in the world. For example look at the costumers of ALP AVIATION group.
30 years if you want to follow the well known propaganda called "yuzde yuz yerli" ;)
Read the text carefully. That's not saying the project has a 30 years roadway.