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    Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

    everyone will be held accountable for what they make in their life that include do the law that contrary with Quran or Hadith we as a ordinary Muslim, only can give an advice amar ma'ruf, nahi munkar the rest up to Allah
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    Turkish artillery striked 30-40 vehicle terror convoy in Afrin

    When serial killer (russia & iran) make noise on others kill others unintentionally The analogy is funny.....:-)
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    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    There is a research by pentagon that concluded that beard is good for soldier effectiveness (I'm not qualify to put the link here) Foremost, beard is sunnah
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    Why are world leaders backing this brutal attack against Kurdish Afrin?

    Someone feel sad cause their lovely terrorist had "rest in pieces"
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    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    everyone are important if you help your compatriot, Allah will help you always think good with fellow Muslim
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    collateral damage is one of the excuse by uncivilized individual or non-individual is like to kill 1 mosquito, you burn the whole house funny.........
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    there is a difference between efficient force & none turkey (less civilian casualties) vs syria (uncountable civilian casualties)
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    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    i feel more happy to cheer for turkey if they are communist then, may Allah give victory to Turkey
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    Constitutional Court: Imams not allowed to join politics

    if i'm not mistaken, based on Al-Quran or Hadith, the leader (in this case, country leader) should be the one that expert & practicing the Islam teaching. even the Imam in Arabic means leader.
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    Children killed in Saudi-led airstrike on school in Yemen

    the funny thing here is only yemeni children life is valuable, based on this thread my principle is, every people life on this earth are valuable i feel op here is hypocrite
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    now all of them want to win the title of "World Best Terrorist"
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    Saudi-Led Airstrikes Blamed for Massacre at Funeral in Yemen

    the funny thing, the same op cheers the massacre of the innocents at the other side of earth hypocrite..............
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    yes i agree. majority is not always right
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    Myth and Facts about Syrian war

    neither a russian backed, a iranian backed, a hezbol backed, a iraqi backed, a north korean backed, a belarusians backed :-)
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