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  1. On the Edge

    Pakistan Mulls Blocking US Supply Lines Into Afghanistan

    yep true, that's my point that Pak wont be able to block the route for more than a little time and to achieve whatever objective planners would have in mind, to permanently block the route, we will have to get out of any kind of relation with US, and I don't think Pak will want to totally...
  2. On the Edge

    Pakistan Mulls Blocking US Supply Lines Into Afghanistan

    the thing is, dont you guys think that US would already have planned for how to react if Pak blocks supply routes, it is said that gora plans for next 100 years... I think in any case, US has decided to corner Pak, by blocking Nato supplies, who will incur more loss? Pak or USA?
  3. On the Edge

    Rupee continues to weaken Breaches 119

    When will we see the real effects of Rupee depreciation? So far, what I see around, in all sorts of neighbourhoods, Pakistanis are booming, making money, businesses doing good,
  4. On the Edge

    Who killed General Zia

    I think @El Sidd point is that whether you like him or hate him, his murder/death should have been investigated and made public, I wonder no one has voted for USSR, they had every reason to take revenge from Pak Army, especially General Akhtar was also aboard,
  5. On the Edge

    Islamabad needs a new Stadium near the scenic mountains

    really, I thought it had been stayed by CJ, really no need for it, parade ground already eliminated a big green patch, now it is used for useless parade and Siasi Jalsas, I remember near this now parade ground, used to be a lily pond, it was so beautiful with lovely natural habitat around it...
  6. On the Edge

    Who killed General Zia

    yes sir this is one of the theories that Pakistani pilots weren't expert enough to handle a mechanical problem with C-130,
  7. On the Edge

    Islamabad needs a new Stadium near the scenic mountains

    As someone who was born and lived in Islamabad, I feel it already has suffered irreversible damage, its live streams have tuned into building material dumping points, green belts turned into parking lots, forests on margallas catching fire regularly, massive traffic on roads everyday thus...
  8. On the Edge

    Who killed General Zia

    why did the pilot not crash it on the 1st leg of the journey, maybe this proves the pilot theory wrong
  9. On the Edge

    Islamabad needs a new Stadium near the scenic mountains

    sorry no such space available in Islamabad where we can put so much concrete, Islamabad's beauty has already been ruined due to unplanned urban growth on its outskirts creating massive load on our roads, Pindi stadium is just next door, use that or if anything has to happen, make it inside the...
  10. On the Edge

    Who killed General Zia

    Hi, can please enlightened members share who they believe killed General Zia, I searched online and there don't seem to be a lot of investigative reports which prove one theory or the other,
  11. On the Edge

    India irked as Pakistan slams India in UN Security Council over occupied Kashmir

    been hearing about this since birth, seems world doesn't care anymore, we need to become an economic power only then we will be heard, Kashmir cause has been hurt a lot due to we being broke, corrupt and all
  12. On the Edge

    JUI-F Fata To Boycott Polio Vacation Campaign Against Merger Plan

    Can anyone pls tell what is the real Takleef to JUI-f if FATA merges with KPK?
  13. On the Edge

    Pakistani visitors advised not to carry naswar to Iraq

    should have been "Pathans advised not to carry.....:) anyways never understood how could people eat this donkey shit,
  14. On the Edge

    Maersk Tankers Ends Iran Shipping after US Sanctions

    sir the way things are shaping up, wont be a surprise if we see a full fledged air strikes on iran nuclear facilities by IDF in coming months/years,,,IDF does have the capability to knock out Iran's complete nuclear and air defence infrastructure, backed by US
  15. On the Edge

    Army Destroyed Pakistan, This Army Has To Bow Before Civilian Govt - Javed Hashmi Blasts on Pak Army

    Fair point, no matter how much we love our leaders/institutions / parties, no one should get a sacred cow tag, We are still running in circles after so many years of failures, and no future in sight too
  16. On the Edge

    US diplomat involved in road accident to leave after judicial proceedings: report

    To be honest, how many Pakistanis die daily on roads due to drivers' negligence, how many of them get jailed, almost zero, if we were a nation of law, as generally western countries are, then our objections would have had reasoning, holding this guy was never possible for us, we are a laughing...
  17. On the Edge


    beef cant be banned as its from the Creator, channel blocking wont matter, its modern world, media is all interconnected, who can stop our people from watching crappy channels, what alternates do our entertainment industry has for our village populations.... why dig up so old threads by the way
  18. On the Edge

    Multan rejects Noon league

    when will we start talking as Pakistanis,
  19. On the Edge

    IDF showed a video hit an SAA Pantsir (SA-22) CIWS truck in Damascus city

    no ww3 coming sir even if full fledge strikes launched on Iran, no western country and Russia will be willing to put their countries and their citizens' lives in danger for some shithole countries...developed countries are living happily,
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