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  1. mhosein

    Aseefa Bhutto Zardari hit by drone. accident or threat?

    Do Pakistanis actually care what happens to these disgraceful, shameless people?
  2. mhosein

    Crippling Russia with an oil embargo would send U.S. gas prices soaring. In Europe, it could lead to death

    America is a chip off the old block (British Empire). To understand America, one must study the British when use to be an imperial, colonial empire. The anglophile is one devoid of integrity or honor, yet the anglophile masquerades the world over pretending to be honorable and righteous. The...
  3. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Indeed, the rot and stench of Western duplicity and lies is becoming harder and more difficult to conceal nowadays.
  4. mhosein

    The Palestinians are a lesser race than Ukrainians

    For those who have actual intellect and faith in God within their hearts, are able to see how obscenely duplicitous Western policies are toward the world. They talk of "Crimes against Humanity" in Ukraine, yet they bombed and destroyed Libya, without authorization from the United Nations...
  5. mhosein

    Poland to provide Mig-29 to Ukraine - what should they get as replacement?

    If I am not mistaken, the Polish MiG-29s are former East German MiGs which West Germany received post Berlin Wall collapse. These were already modified by the Luftwaffe during the 1990s. The distinct feature of these MiGs was (still is) a centerline fuel tank, nestling between the two air-intake...
  6. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Congrats you have just made my ignore list. Now kindly do not address me or my posts, as your posts don't warrant any dignified response. Goodbye.
  7. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Which weapons' platform are the so-called X-15s deployed on? Care to name them? People like me? So now you have resorted to personal attacks! Marvelous tactics applied when conducting a discussion. Bravo! On a serious note, a direct response to your question .... yes, a single weapons system...
  8. mhosein

    Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

    Of course that is what America wants. The same way America has wanted and actioned in Afghanistan, Venezuela, Libya, Panama, Syria, Granada, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Albania, Egypt and the list goes on and on. This is will turn out to be a crucial moment for...
  9. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    That is a remarkable capability that Russia is displaying. Past experiences have been beneficial in contributing toward the improvements to the air defense systems.
  10. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    The Americans had total dominance for two decades, post Cold War. They had the Petrodollar, the World Bank - IMF Cartel, they had the Credit Ratings Agencies, they had the highest immigrant application pool, they had access to the best minds, the best R&D on the planet, they were unchallenged...
  11. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Really? Does NATO have developed and combat deployed hypersonic weapons?
  12. mhosein

    Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

    The West and at its helm, America has always been meddling, coercing and exploiting countries' political structure in order to gain political control. We have seen America use multiple tactics, whether it be through "economic hitmen" that go in a certain country to bribe, blackmail or coerce the...
  13. mhosein

    Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West tightens sanctions

    Kuch ziyada nahin, Pakistan mein to Kuch bhi nahin huwa. De-dollarization should be on Pakistan's priority list, the same as initiating the establishment of a Gold Reserve. It's either that, or you can keep living under the thumb of American Imperialism. Actually, the "kuch ziyada ho gaya"...
  14. mhosein

    Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West tightens sanctions

    It's amusing how when a country is subject to sanctions, it gets crippled. Like Zimbabwe. But here we are, Russia is continuing it's military campaign, despite the economic sanctions, which if I may add, Russia has been subjected to nearly a decade. The more countries around the world...
  15. mhosein

    Pakistan needs to focus on human rights: EU

    E.U is lecturing Pakistan about human rights violations? It's the same E.U that sat back and turned a blind eye when NATO was destroying Libya? Two E.U member states were at the forefront in the airstrikes on Libya. This was in spite the fact that there was no authorization given by the UNSC...
  16. mhosein

    Has the poor performance of Russian Aircraft in Ukraine impacted Pak-India airforce balance?

    I suggest you go look at the map. If you don't see Ukaine's entry into NATO as an existential threat to Russia ... then you need to do some reading up on history and geography before we can discuss the matter forward.
  17. mhosein

    RED ZONE FILES: Trouble with the West

    If it has not become evident to everyone yet, then I suggest that people open their eyes. In particular, Pakistanis and not those who pretend to care about Pakistan and yet live in the West. I'm talking about real Pakistanis, who are invested in Pakistan, mind body and soul. Pakistanis will be...
  18. mhosein

    Has the poor performance of Russian Aircraft in Ukraine impacted Pak-India airforce balance?

    My friend, I am going ignore your arrogance on "educating me" for the time being and ask you to turn your attention toward the point I made. Ukraine is the only country in the European region that has the longest running border with Russia. This constitutes a threat in a scenario where Ukraine...
  19. mhosein

    Has the poor performance of Russian Aircraft in Ukraine impacted Pak-India airforce balance?

    Whom do you think was instigating wars for the last 30 years, unchecked? It has been the West. I suggest you take a look at the map again. Two of three Baltic States who NATO members have a total border with Russia of 508 km. Lithuania has no border with Russia. Total length of border between...
  20. mhosein

    Has the poor performance of Russian Aircraft in Ukraine impacted Pak-India airforce balance?

    The Russian Federation has already established Air Superiority over the entire Ukrainian territory. The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed nearly all Ukrainian air defense systems. Evidence to this effect is E.U making an announcement to send military aid to Ukraine, which includes air...
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