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  1. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Reports coming out of Kharkiv, where the Russian Federation Military has conducted successful strikes, destroying an entire S-300 complex of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine).
  2. mhosein

    Damn! British Mercenaries Charged By DPR With Crimes - Face Death Penalty!

    To the utterly nutterly buffoons that support the West, please not (if you still possess a functioning rationale) that the Russian Federation have actually adhered to the Laws of the State and the Geneva Convention. Remember that and shut your trap when next you run your mouth. Because ones who...
  3. mhosein

    Marriyum tells how to convert BMW X5 to X6

    Dear world and future tourists coming to Pakistan ... enjoy your trip and please be mindful of the rabid dogs like this one in video, that roam around on the streets of Islamabad, barking all day long. JAHIL, GAWAAR, KHABAS!
  4. mhosein

    If Russia launch one hundred missiles over Polish military bases, do you think that would trigger WWIII?

    Who do you suppose leads NATO? And whom do you suppose feeds Poland with weapons? Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria are NATO member states post Soviet collapse. Baltics want Kaliningrad eliminated. Poles want northern Ukrainian and western Belarusian...
  5. mhosein

    US defence analyst ‘admits’ role of US in ousting Imran Khan

    This is what is termed as an foreign plus domestic combined onslaught on Pakistan's sovereignty. Where on one side, we have the utterly corrupt, thieving liars, traitors who proclaim themselves as Pakistani politicians but are in essence feudal mafia families that have looted and plundered...
  6. mhosein

    If I were Biden I give 1,000 Tomahawks to bomb Moscow from Kiev

    That is your depraved fantasy, only godless people such as yourself would think like that. Oh and if America ever did that sort of thing, expect Washington DC to be obliterated by Avanguard, Sarmat nuke tipped missiles. Those who choose war, are demons, not humans. And before ignorant...
  7. mhosein

    If Imran Khan is Killed...

    If the establishment thinks this will blow over they are playing fire. With Imran Khan, Pakistanis have seen what good governance is and will NOT accept these traitors, liars, thieves and murderers to remain in power. Pakistan will descend into CIVIL WAR. It is a very simple equation now...
  8. mhosein

    General Hameed Gul message.. (Nobody could have imagined how true each and every word is, he knew what people didn't at that time).

    Now that is an honorable, dignified, courageous Muslim who I am proud to say is from Pakistan. One Hameed Gul beats a million bajwas, musharrafs.. One Imran Khan defeats a million nawaz, zardari, shebaz, bilawal, maryam.
  9. mhosein

    Court opened on night of April 9 to protect Constitution: IHC

    What constitution? What judiciary? These judges are worth dollar bills, bought and sold in Here Mandi like tawaifs.
  10. mhosein

    Establishment punished former PM Imran Khan due to General Faiz Hameed issue: Parvez Ilahi

    Pakistan Army Chief has lost his marbles. Got news for you Bajwa, you think you are protecting Pakistan by removing an Honest Leader, one with Integrity and replacing him with a Jahil, Mafia mentality, thief, liar and traitor. Remember this, when Pakistan does not exist no more, I pray the...
  11. mhosein

    Blasphemy case registered against Imran Khan and PTI leadership

    Oh look, the slave dogs of America, who are the mafia boss of MUNAFIQs, are filing a "Blasphemy Case" against the only leader Pakistan ever had who wanted to establish a Madinah Riyasat. Kafir ki maut marengay yeh sab Khabees, Haramkhor.
  12. mhosein

    Shebhaz Sharif Is Insincere In His Condemnation Of Imran Khan’s India Remarks

    I honestly do not even feel sorry for you. But hey, you have proven that Pakistan doesn't need enemies like India. Pakistan has the likes of you that would take this country down the drain. Well done!
  13. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    For those who are either deaf, dumb, blind or just ignorant. We stand at the moment of history, where the reign of the Western Empire is coming to an end. It wasn't so long ago (87 years) when the world teetered toward catastrophe, millions died in what ensued thereon. Yet almost a century...
  14. mhosein

    Shebhaz Sharif Is Insincere In His Condemnation Of Imran Khan’s India Remarks

    And so long as Pakistan Military keeps being the LAPDOG of the West, we will have further decades of corrupt, traitorous, $wine$ in power in Pakistan. I had long respected Pakistan Military, that was one of integrity and patriotism. Now it is revealed where Pakistan Military leadership's...
  15. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Ukrainian soldiers surrendering to Russian Military. One of two American mercenaries injured when Russian Military destroyed their firing position. Hitler's book found in Azovstal when Russian forces were clearing out zone by zone. Capture Azov Nazi, being interrogated for information on...
  16. mhosein

    'Putin Has Lost His War In Ukraine' Says Amb. Michael McFaul

    The Western mainstream media is living a LIE and deceiving the people in the West. The reality is that Ukraine is losing the war, hundreds of Ukrainians are surrendering to the Allied Russian Forces. Those hundreds of millions of dollars worth weapons being pumped into Ukraine, majority of them...
  17. mhosein

    Pakistan must change its tactics to kill non state actors with non state fighters

    What was the PRACTICAL REASONING of Muslims that were being persecuted, slaughtered by the Quraish in Makkah? They migrated to Madinah and established an Islamic State. Then returned to liberate Makkah once they had established themselves in Faith, in Society, in Trade, in Policies as Muslims...
  18. mhosein

    Pakistan must change its tactics to kill non state actors with non state fighters

    Sawal to lajawab hai, magar poochnay wala nahein. Main Musalmaan hoon.
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