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  1. mhosein

    Good new, NEW PMLN health reforms pakistani will consume less unhealthy ghee and sugar

    A political syndicate, sponsored and financed by the West (US/UK) has been put in power, to ensure that this nation never has a future which is independent, with integrity of truth and has the courage to stand up to Western Mafa's hegemony. Had Pakistan not have nukes, the West would probably...
  2. mhosein

    Employee seeks permission to bring 'donkey cart' to airport amid POL price hike

    Those who think that an average Pakistani that constitutes the majority of the 220 million population, would survive on brutal IMF sanctions, implemented by a Slave Government imported from America and Britain. Then such people who think this way, are in essence a bunch of confounded buffoons.
  3. mhosein

    Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

    Forget Ababeel, the scum government endorsed and brought to power by U.S/U.K is going to strip Pakistan of its Nuclear Arsenal and make into a SLAVE STATE. These Ababeels are as good as mickey mouse in Disneyland. May the scum who support this, be dealt with by Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah ... I...
  4. mhosein

    Electricity Tariff Increased by 11.80 Rupees Per Unit in 3 Weeks by Imported Government

    Come Judgement Day, these traitors to Islam will be sweating like p!g$. No America, no Supreme Court, not even a mountain of gold will make escape the punishment that Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has in store for them. I pray that the people of Pakistan unite and fight to tear apart this vice like...
  5. mhosein

    Former PM Imran Khan's interview with Sami Ibrahim

    Imran Khan only telling Pakistanis what the writing on the wall is, in order to wake them out of their stuper. For some Pakistanis believe that "this will all boil over and life will go on as per normal." Such people have the mentality (apologies for the language) of a J@ck@$$. "The Norm" is...
  6. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Russian Military Forces have taken half of Severdonetsk. The ukrop nazis have been encircled in the city. Some say that they may have an exit route, however it remains to be seen. There are also reports that a sizable portion these ukrop nazi battalion have entrenched themselves in a large...
  7. mhosein

    Real 'Yahoodi Agents are Exposed' in Pakistan. 'Great change': Israeli president says received delegation of Pakistani expats

    Pakistan was created on the foundations of Islam, not India. We are Muslims in Pakistan and as such we do not recognize the Kafir State of Israel. 220 million Pakistanis would go to war on this matter. Just try it, as it will only be a lightning strike on Pakistanis that would wake them up...
  8. mhosein

    'Great change': Israeli president says received delegation of Pakistani expats

    There will be a blood bath and rivers will run with blood before Pakistan ever recognizes that Kafir State of Israel.
  9. mhosein

    Pakistan On The Verge Of Inflationary Collapse - Pleads For Larger IMF Bailout

    To the apes that say that there is nothing wrong with going to the IMF. It is but a financial mafia institution, weaponized to be used as an instrument of forcing nations that do not tow the line of the West, to bully them into submission. This is why Pakistan has to CUT OFF its economy from...
  10. mhosein

    The Great Gama celebrated by GOOGLE! One of greatest wrestler/fighters which lived

    Bruce Lee took inspiration from Gama, in grappling hold fights.
  11. mhosein

    America's bid to oust Turkey from NATO

    US Media Begins Calling To Expel Turkey From NATO As Finland, Sweden Seek Entry BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022 - 11:05 PM An op-ed in CNN this week has called on NATO to expel Turkey if it doesn't agree to admit new applicants Finland and Sweden into the Western military alliance...
  12. mhosein

    Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

    Well if you choose to believe that, then why does Europe or North America have to send $$$ billions worth of weapons to Ukraine if they're killing so many Russians. Reality is that thousands of Ukrainian Nazi have surrendered as Ukraine has lost Azostal Steel Complex. As did Ukraine loose...
  13. mhosein

    Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

    Sure they will and Biden is a monkey's uncle! :rofl:
  14. mhosein

    Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

    Thanks to America, U.S dollar circulatory percentage has dropped by a dangerously significant amount. Inflation hitting 40 year high. Countries around the world are diversifying their reserves in other currencies. The amount of Ukrainian tanks and IFVs destroyed, videos circulating is just...
  15. mhosein

    Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

    Before that can even begin, watch how Russia wipes out American backed Kiev regime like it never existed. The LPR/DPR are loading up with tons of Western anti-tank missiles, captured Ukrainian tanks and IFVs. The liberal puppies are drowning American primacy into the gutter.
  16. mhosein

    US Senate set to pass $40B Ukraine aid bill

    $40 billion in Ukraine War, like the $1.6 trillion in the Afghan War and another $1 trillion in Iraq War .... https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/20/us-spent-6point4-trillion-on-middle-east-wars-since-2001-study.HTML American government, based rigged elections is printing money to run America to the...
  17. mhosein

    Another wave of Anti-Pakistani campaign in Turkey brewing. This time, Ataturk and Nuclear Technology is being discussed.

    Hypocrisy and shameful behavior on both sides. Pakistanis, due to their utter lack of education, blatant ignorance of how a Muslim behaves, have proven their worth in foreign countries, time and again. Of course this does not mean that all Pakistanis behave in such a manner. But it certainly...
  18. mhosein

    Meteoric dollar shatters all records, hits Rs200 in interbank

    70% of Pakistanis wanted to be led by a Convicted Criminal that has plundered Pakistan's wealth? So by your calculations 154 million Pakistanis want a government who is a slave of America? Do even read what you type?
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