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  1. mhosein

    UK is ‘leading European power’ supporting Ukraine

    Russia is not falling for their bag of tricks. It's not focused on America either, rather it wants NATO go back to it's locations of 1997 Agreement. As Russia has positioned itself remarkably well, where it exports natural gas and oil to Europe, a lucrative market. It's actually America and...
  2. mhosein

    A Beijing think tank offered a frank review of China’s technological weaknesses. Then the report disappeared

    America can "semi-conductor" it's arguments away at China, till the cows come home. The reality check .... it is America sitting on $30 trillion debt (officially disclosed, actual figures puts the debt at $200 trillion), not China. And if we were being frank here, then it is the West, not...
  3. mhosein

    US Military Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spacecraft TR-3B

    My friend, if you took my "laugh" offending you, then the natural civilized way is to first clarify by asking "are you laughing at me or are you laughing at the author of the article?" This would be logically followed by sharing your displeasure to my reaction to your post and request (as...
  4. mhosein

    US Military Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spacecraft TR-3B

    Oh so now threats are the means used to silence critics that tap on the laugh tab? Is this a forum for freedom of expression and exchange of ideas? Or is this North Korean dictatorship? Tell you what my friend, you can keep your threats to yourself. I honestly don't give it any importance...
  5. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    Just as the Holy Land belongs to Zionists.
  6. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    If you actually are asking such a question, then it is evident that there is a need for you to go study colonialism, it's definition and it's purposes. Do you know that the one of the emblems of Britain is a lion? Yet there are no lions found in the natural wild life habitat in Britain...
  7. mhosein

    US intel indicates Russian officers have had doubts about full scale Ukraine invasion

    American Intelligence Agencies are growing more and more by the day, less intelligent.
  8. mhosein

    U.S. Warns of Grim Toll if Putin Pursues Full Invasion of Ukraine

    I am neither Russian, nor Orthodox Christian. Russia doesn't need me to churn out propaganda for them, the western states are doing it all by themselves with their abysmal state of affairs and war hysteria. Also, there is no such thing as a Propaganda Bureau in Russia. However there is one in...
  9. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    You keep going back to Brazil, why? When the crux of the matter is Colonial Imperialism, neither Argentina nor Brazil were, are or will ever be Colonial Imperialists. Britain is not capable of anything except psychological warfare. It used to be good at it, now it's just a joke that keeps...
  10. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    Argentina was not a colonial imperialist, Britain is, Spain was, as was Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and France.
  11. mhosein

    U.S. Warns of Grim Toll if Putin Pursues Full Invasion of Ukraine

    With $30 trillion (some financial experts put the figure at $200 trillion public/private sector combined) in debt, America's warnings are equivalent to OCD housewife trying to boss around everyone. If you, America, haven't already realized it yet. Then be sure to read these words carefully ...
  12. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    Difference is that Argentina gained independence from its colonial masters. Britain has no business being there in any way, shape or form. The same way America, Britain, France or other colonial imperialists don't any business being in Polynesia, Hawaii or Diego Garcia.
  13. mhosein

    Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

    Britain has no leg to stand on, to claim Las Malvinas as its own territory. The islands are thousands of kilometers away from mainland Britain and were occupied under their illegal colonial annexations. Britain's claim on Las Malvinas as good a claim Britain could make for Diego Garcia...
  14. mhosein

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    Japan is no one to dictate or point fingers at others. No one has forgotten what the Japanese did during and at the start of the second world war, in China. Today Japan is just a vassal state of Western Imperialism.
  15. mhosein

    China: The coming crisis

    A laughable and intellectually impotent article.
  16. mhosein

    PM Imran to visit Russia this month

    It's been a long time coming, and what better a leader to represent Pakistan, than Imran Khan. One who has integrity and honesty. I hope and pray that Pakistan establishes strong ties with Russia, as it has done so with China. 60 years of ties with America has proven that ties with this country...
  17. mhosein

    The US world order has ENDED because it has been chellenged by Russia & China

    The multipolar system is what the world wants and needs. Too much power concentrated in one place is detrimental for this planet. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely," as the saying goes. Since 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, America leading the entire Western...
  18. mhosein

    Huge investment on the way as PM finalises deals with Chinese firms

    A country can have trillions of investment or be laden with resources. But doesn't amount to anything, the only thing that critically matters is the will and drive of a nation to come together and work hard for it. Best example, China and India, where both having similar populations and have...
  19. mhosein

    US National Debt:30Trillion

    When an empire is heading for a collapse, it's patrons always are in an utter state of denial, vehemently defending it. This is where America stands today, with it's debt at $30 trillion, the petrodollar has lost its shine where hundreds of billions dollars worth Oil & Gas being traded in...
  20. mhosein

    PM vows industrialisation as next step under CPEC

    Love this guy, middle of the speech he interrupts to make a point that we ought to be speaking Urdu so our people can understand, when the Chinese speak in their native language and Pakistanis in their native language, there is no need for english for broadcasting his speech to a Pakistani...
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