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  1. mhosein

    China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

    There are elements within our respective societies who are misguided and attempt to promote ill-thought and hate-filled agendas that has nothing to do with Islam, nor Christianity. It is then left to the ones who possess a sound mind and strong faith to defend and set the records straight...
  2. mhosein

    China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

    Most welcome dear friend and brother. Not all of us Pakistanis are blind to the realities of this world. As a Muslim, I support for peace and prosperity for both the people of Greece and the people of Turkey. And if you ever come to Pakistan, you will find a friend welcoming you, insha-Allah.
  3. mhosein

    China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

    Not all Greeks are liars, just like not all Americans are bad people. One should not judge the actions of a small group individuals, to an entire nation. Greece is a wonderful country, as is Turkey and both nations have characteristically great attributes. On should seek rapprochement on adverse...
  4. mhosein

    China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

    Where is your proof that China made such a declaration aimed at Russia? Or are you just guessing your way on this subject?
  5. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    The West's desperation for war, hinges on Russia taking the bait. Sounding off that Ukraine will be invaded "any day now," is the signal for Ukranians to start pummeling the Donbass Region, the moment Russian military withdrew at the conclusion of their exercises. And in the last two days...
  6. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    So let me get this straight, you come from an old nation and you know how humans are. Despite that, you choose to be a part of NATO that has imposed war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Mali, Cameroon and Yemen? Half a million Iraqi children died due to lack of medicine as a...
  7. mhosein

    West could cut U.S. dollar access for Russian companies, UK's Johnson says

    The U.S Dollar is headed for an irreversible decline. China dominates the global economy and it cannot be threatened with sanctions. China has Russia as it's reliable and allied energy supplier. So the petrodollar will be seen swimming in sewage. Trying to attack Russia, with the pathetic and...
  8. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    And I hate to break it to you, but the only state that has ever used nukes and murdered hundreds of thousands of people in an instance, is America. The same America that leads NATO and will lead Europe to it's destruction by provoking Russia into a shooting war in the arc of deception, i.e...
  9. mhosein

    Ukraine ‘invasion’ day passes peacefully, defies ‘war hype’

    Apparently the snow bunnies in Washington and London have coined a term for their new strategy of warfare, it's called "Escalation Dominance" whereby they use information warfare to hype up the threat of war as a pretext to deploy forces, peace meal. The strategy is suppose to lure the enemy...
  10. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Yes I heard about the Iron Curtain, I lived through the Cold War. But where is your evidence that "Russia" killed thousands of Polish, Czech, German and Hungarians? Unless of course you make the ridiculously absurd mistake of considering Soviets and Russians as the same. Russians were not in...
  11. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Where is your evidence of these so called unspeakable crimes that Russia has committed against other nations? Please do enlighten us?
  12. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Two artillery shells hit Russian territory, Moscow claims Published: 19 Feb 2022 | 16:22 GMT A photograph released by Russian officials purporting to show the remains of a shell that exploded in Rostov region, near the border with the Donbass. The claims come amid warnings of fierce...
  13. mhosein

    China and Russia have learned well from failed U.S. promises

    Coming back to subject of "promises" by the West and how they (West) lie through their teeth. The NATO Secretary General - Stoltenberg (the lapdog of Washington & London) as well as the U.S State Department, declared this past week that no promises were made to Russia on NATO's expansion...
  14. mhosein

    West will introduce sanctions against Russia in any case, Putin says

    This is a prelude to the opening salvos of Western economic terrorism against Russia and Belarus. It is also the beginning of Russia's response to those impending, which will not blunt it's intended effects, but will significantly weaken the tool of economic sanctions the West has used for the...
  15. mhosein

    Could anybody share what this is?

    This isn't Sufi'ism, this has nothing to do with Islam. I would term this sort of behavior as one of the Juhalah.
  16. mhosein

    PAA Bell 412 Heli gunner raining down hell from above

    It looks supression of the enemy with overwhelming firepower. This cannot be targeting ops as the gunner does not have sight enhancement and targeting correction aid to conduct such a mission.
  17. mhosein

    Nawaz Sharif most popular in Punjab, KP, Sindh: survey

    Either the survey is a sophisticated concocted lie or the People of Pakistan have lost their marbles altogether. The former seems to be the more realistic rationale.
  18. mhosein

    Donbas is falling to Ukraine. Millions of Russians in Eastern Ukraine are leaving to Russia to escape Ukrainian Bombardment

    If you think that you, Ukraine or the West has any chance at regaining Donbass, or Crimea, let alone defeating Russia in a war, economic or military. Then the sorry state of affairs of the West, seem blaring on deaf ears. Mark these words, for historians (if they ever were to exist after the...
  19. mhosein

    China moves to counter India with arms sales to Pakistan

    In my view, there is one area that Pakistan needs to address in a comprehensive manner. Not just with a military strategy, but also with an economic and political balance toward it's Province of Baluchistan. As it stands, Pakistan has not realized the tremendous economic and strategic potential...
  20. mhosein

    US Inflation Hits 40-Year High Of 7.5%

    That "pass the buck" mindset, "where is not that, it's this" is indicative of an ostrich with its head burried in the sand, thinking one thing is not connected with the other. It is the reason why the West continues it's assured decline which will lead to it's predicted and inevitable collapse.
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