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  1. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Hope they aren't all as oblivious as your recent ones. Russia is not the one who provoked the military operations in Ukraine. It is the West who has been moving it's military to Russia's doorstep. After having persevered for 30 years in trying to...
  2. mhosein

    China’s SWIFT alternative may undercut US sanctions

    $30 trillion American Debt will disagree with you on whether Russia is rich or poor. As it stands, Russia has a vast gold reserve, it also has one of the largest oil and natural gas reserves in the world. So to say Russia is poor, is a very inconclusive statement.
  3. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Look buddy you seem to be on some sort of high about being America correct that Russia would invade Ukraine. Russia has sent it's military to conduct operations now, and it was provoked into doing so. 7 years the West toyed around with Ukriane, giving it a false sense of security and...
  4. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Do you have any substantial evidence to prove that there are 200000 Russian troops in Ukraine right? If so, I invite you to share it with us. Again, do you have proof that there are Belarusian troops on the ground in Ukraine? I ask you to go and view the speech of President of Russian...
  5. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Last time I checked the historical records, it was Russia facilitating peace talks between Kiev and the Donbass Republics. As the records show it was American "regime change" headed by Victoria Nuland that toppled a democratically elected President of the country. The records also show that it...
  6. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    It is not an invasion of Ukraine, it is the protection and the liberation of Donbass Region which has been under Ukrainian military threat and attacks. As per the announcement of the Russian Federation, there will be no invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Federation has commenced missile strikes...
  7. mhosein

    Featured US claims Russia planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion

    So let me get this straight, the fact that the Russian Federation has recognized the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent countries. And that these two new states have requested, in fact pleaded with the Russian Federation to help them against Ukrainian onslaught. Makes you...
  8. mhosein

    Israel to extend family reunification ban

    When the so-called Parliamentary Referendum took place in Kosovo, it was NATO who came to protect Kosovo and indiscriminately and illegally bombed Serbia, to supposedly protect Kosovans. I would like to call the attention of readers that this was done, without the approval of the United Nations...
  9. mhosein

    Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

    Thank you my dear friend, I appreciate it. What I desire the most, is to forge friendships with intellectuals whom I can engage with, discuss subjects of political science and in the process learn from them. It would be nice to have an exchange of views and ideas with people from different...
  10. mhosein

    China Warns U.S. of 'Full-Scale Confrontation,' Talks Taiwan, Ukraine in Call

    I recall the incident that had taken place over the skies, just 70 miles off the coast of Hainan Island Province of China. Reading the headline, I could've believed it was an April Fool's prank, on the international stage as the incident occurred on the 1st of April 2001. A PLAAF combat aircraft...
  11. mhosein

    Pakistan & Turkey to jointly develop next generation fighters - 5th gen AZM/TFX merger

    Would it not have been prudent to seek China as a partner nation in this, a critically important project? I would have imagined, with the wealth of experience and independence in sovereign foreign policy. China would be the bulletproof partner nation of this Stealth Fighter Program. Even if it...
  12. mhosein

    Ukraine’s envoy to Pakistan appeals PM Khan to raise Ukraine conflict with Putin

    That is a profound question to ask. I wonder ... do Pakistanis know who they really are and what their destiny is? If only ... oh if only! Yet I pray to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah for the day, when Pakistanis truly recognize what they are destined to be ... a nation that follows Prophet...
  13. mhosein

    Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

    Thank you for the kind words, dear friend. I appreciate it.
  14. mhosein

    Russia can withstand Western sanctions after years of preparation: Chinese analysts

    In my view the key part of this article is where the SPFS financial messaging system, is mentioned. Which in itself offers the world an alternative to swift messaging system. Those countries that are willing to exercise their sovereign right to conduct their foreign policy and trade, ought to...
  15. mhosein

    Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

    One of the crucial components of the Western strategy in Europe, was to block Nord Stream 2. While others may argue from a different perspective, it should be noted that over the last decade, Europe and with it, Germany in particular, had chosen to create a steadier and more reliable stream of...
  16. mhosein

    Which side should Pakistan support in Russia-Ukraine war?

    Pakistan must maintain cordial and stable ties with both countries. This isn't the Cold War and the only ones picking sides, are either ones who want war or who are trying to avoid war. For Pakistan, we must mind our business. If a side had to be picked however, then the answer is obvious, the...
  17. mhosein

    Ukraine’s envoy to Pakistan appeals PM Khan to raise Ukraine conflict with Putin

    As I have stated many times before, Pakistan must pursue a foreign policy which is based on independence and sovereign rights. As such, Pakistan should establish a balanced approach toward any and all states, whom Pakistan seeks to engage with. Be it Riyadh-Najd, Abu Dhabi or Tehran in the...
  18. mhosein

    Putin orders Russian military to Donbass Republics as peacekeepers

    For seven long years, it was Russia who stated that the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics are part of Ukraine and that it's people are Ukrainian (Russian speaking). It was Russia who put forward peaceful dialogue and brought about the Minsk Agreements as a step by step process of de-escalation...
  19. mhosein

    China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

    So this is what the West resorts to see, when it sees being dominated by and China - Russia Alliance? Cheap tactics, zero value on any level.
  20. mhosein

    Newsweek Interviews PM Imran on Upcoming Russian Visit

    I sincerely hope that Pakistan establishes deep rooted and strong relations with Russia. As it stands, Pakistan has a tremendous opportunity to avail, in economic ties with Russia. Through SCO and CPEC, Pakistan can establish it's natural gas requirements, diversifying it's energy pool and...
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