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    Best of Luck

    Best of Luck
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    Thank you for your post. I appreciate that you have been civil throughout. I unfortunately could not understand how this relates to my specific query. I think you will agree here that no such substance has been presented, during the duration, on the matter of whether such a person will go to...
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    Featured Major Gaurav Arya Mocked for Tweeting Fake Letter

    I refuse to believe that after a sizeable budget the army would use such low quality stationary. I mean son if you had to do propaganda the at least get some good printer paper. The paper is does not even look A4 and those margins are a blasphemy in itself.
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    US Department of Homeland Security: Shocking report on MQM.

    OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horus is Aeronaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Plaza containing Punjab Saaf Pani Company’s record ‘catches fire’

    The usual suspects are missing from this thread I wonder what they were during this era.
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    Featured 3 Pakistan Army officers bestowed Sitara-e-Imtiaz for winning Karkey case

    https://investmentpolicy.unctad.org/investment-dispute-settlement/cases/520/karkey-karadeniz-v-pakistan The case remains pending and not settled. I am afraid this might rear its ugly head when we are weak.
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    I will give you a reply. Take it however you like

    I will give you a reply. Take it however you like
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    Balochistan HUB Bridge about to fall! NHA doesn't want to fix - travel at own Risk! CORRUPTION.

    I am sorry for the extremely late reply....I normally do no linger around conversations for too long. Thank you for the video. As far as Hub bridge case was concerned there was no issue. I had referred this matter to my father who specialisation has been Roads, Pavements and Bridge design...
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    Featured Pakistan government unveils new laws for Facebook, Twitter And Social Media companies

    Damn! I thought the new laws were meant to tax them.
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    I am sorry I refuse to be apologetic. You have to provide proof that for killing a "blasphemer" you will go to heaven including your family. Otherwise you and your friend deliberately and maliciously lied. (the post has also mysteriously been removed -my mistake that I did not save it) You...
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    Pakistan dumps more money on deadweights: govt may okay $125m for Roosevelt

    Brother I have changed my opinion after Falcon26 make a good point on the real estate itself. It took me sometime to digest that our nostalgic value is not that important and it is up to the New Yorkers. If the consultants suggest that it is better off as apartments/offices type of building and...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    This is nothing brother it will only grow worse. I asked one of my foreign friends (who I had help alot that even his mother used to thank me on Skype) that there will come a day that you have to chose between the truth and the words of your kin (nation) what will you chose and he said his kin...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    It is not in my character to find other peoples flaws. I live in Karachi and have had no conversation on Salman Taseer even in passing. I had heard that he claimed blasphemy laws as a black law with regards to the case of Asia Bibi. I have no problem with the statement because for me the woman...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    You have an exact measure of time that you have spent in studying the Quran/Hadith/fiqh in hours? that you have the audacity to ask others of the same. If so I am highly impressed but as a muslim you must provide proof -complete accountable and auditable proof. If you have some understanding of...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    Thank you for your rational remark. Have nations not challenged Allah and turned to dust. We as humans are not a reflection of his anger but his mercy. Through our deeds we enjoin others to turn towards him. There are countless videos of people on youtube that were against Islam and then...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    Funny you chose your own place and then chose one for myself. Keep foaming at the mouth. Lol is this what @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan wanted that he visited your page in appreciation. Then let me add this too that you will only find your place amongst those that falsely accused Asia and wasted her...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    I cannot find one perhaps it maybe a false attribution but I distinctly remember it as oft repeated up in various books on Islam. I will rescind it and accept my mistake. I have read your collation and you have been sufficiently answered on the matter. No one disputes what the Quran says and...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    Mind your language! Is this standard way of conversation according to Islam?. Are you even a Muslim? I have already stated that I am unaware that such a notion exists in Islam. It is you that has to present that any form of evidence -of which you shall not find any in Quran or Hadith. The only...
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    Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

    I don't understand why you have quoted me when clearly you have your own innovated version of Islam. The door to redemption remains open till the very end. By ending someone's life you take away that chance of the creation to link up with the Creator. This is nothing to gloat over you have...
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