Confucian is not a panacea ,but is a wisdom philosophy. you ascribe Modern china's failure to confucian, the point of view is certainly not right .
TO some extent, china's industrialization can date back to Westernization Movement(洋务运动)the late qing dynasty (1861~1894) ,athough it faild, i suppose that is still industrial revolution,and later 1911-1949, in the period of kmt ruled , also has a creditable economic development,1927-1937 is...
:-)Indeed , Japan has many excellent something is worth us to learn . But is not japan political model. Our existing system enough to resolve any problem we face , and it has been improving .
well, you win .you feigning ignorance of what i say ,then please continue driving a wedge between china and someone relationship ,i will not accompany with you chatting. bye bye
Tailand!! i said that except some individual countries people without kindness are willing to echo your sentiments. your tricks will not succeed. I have to say that viet are very crafty, on the basis of past experiences
Who's complain about tailand but viet ! ?
You driving a wedge between china and the others relationship , except some individual countries people without kindness are willing to echo your sentiments , do you think you will be successful?
Viet has also many problems persist with many others or region:china ,taiwan , cambodia,malaysia,laos,Philippine....
I'm sorry ,forget French, has also claims right to you country
I have to say that some indian show their arrogance and ignorance in this thread, they said something provoked chinese netizens,leave sb. feeling that is only key point in the thread .
:what:Bro ,Don't over think , it 's only marvel at japan is still powefull ,and economy still have dynamic . As japonic neighboor, why can't praise him ?
I also do not want to be chinese, but can it represent all chinese do not want to be chinese? Most local people in north-easte india do not want to be indian at least . sir
no,china buddhist and taoist is traditional chinese religion ,have a large local followin. you thought too merciless of china communist party. you are brainwashed is too deep by your country newspaper . sir
we chinese have oriental philosophical thought/the traditional chinese way of thinking ,and the western way of thinking not suit us. Even western christian come to china, can also be localization of western religion in china. it will not be entirely western religion,and mixed religion