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  1. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    2009 to 2019 this ten year BD gets a govt. who is still in power. then why they did not buy at least a sqd of genuine fighter jet. pls don't say any body give example of f7. really this is very ridiculous in 1999 this govt was wanted to buy f16 now after the ten years what they bought for BAF?
  2. Bengal Tiger 71

    Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

    সৌদি আরবের সাথে সামরিক চুক্তিতে বাংলাদেশের কী লাভ? বাংলাদেশ সৌদি আরবের সাথে এমন একটি সামরিক সহযোগিতা চুক্তি করতে চলেছে, যার ফলে প্রায় দু'হাজার বাংলাদেশী সৈন্য ইয়েমেন সীমান্তে মোতায়েন করা হবে। বাংলাদেশের জন্য এই সামরিক চুক্তির গুরুত্ব কতটা? এর প্রেক্ষাপট বুঝতে হলে একটু পেছন দিকে তাকাতে হবে।...
  3. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh signs defence deal with Saudi Feb 14

    Behind this deal so many strings are related. BD will provide their soldier so obviously senior officers already visit the border place. if they have to fight then it will be real war experience after 1971.under this deal there might be few things like, money for weapon purchase, salary for...
  4. Bengal Tiger 71

    Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

    What will be gained Armed forces to play like a hired player. billion dollars but if any casualties happens during mine detection than how the govt. will explain to the people of BD. After this treaty may be Saudi make their voice loud for Rohingya crisis.
  5. Bengal Tiger 71

    Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

    What kind of facility & support will provide from Saudi this is unknown.
  6. Bengal Tiger 71

    Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

    সৌদি আরবের সঙ্গে প্রতিরক্ষা চুক্তি হচ্ছে বাংলাদেশের সৌদি আরবের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের প্রতিরক্ষা চুক্তি হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছেন বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী প্রধান জেনারেল আজিজ আহমেদ। তিনি আরও জানিয়েছেন, মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের দেশটির সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের সামরিক সহযোগিতা বৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্যে আগামী ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি এ চুক্তি সই হবে।...
  7. Bengal Tiger 71

    US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

    India has the no. of Su30 beside they will receive Rafale 36. where as Myanmar also signed deal with Russia for 6 Su30. to keep in mind all that BD should go for Su35 & F16. so many years are gone BAF need to gear up. any body can raise question mark for Su35, BD could not have pilots to operate...
  8. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    As per military equipment offer from USA, primarily BD should go for F16 Block 70/72 1 sqd, before 2000 AL govt. wanted to buy that now they will not lose this chance to having US origin fighter.
  9. Bengal Tiger 71

    US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

    we want to make India to do more talk show like this. BD needs to develop its armed forces rapidly during 2019-25 otherwise they will face a potential threat from neighbors.if BD bought any major military equipment from USA like fighter craft,tanks, artillery system, air defence system then USA...
  10. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    why BAF delay to make a deal, really frustrated matter. AL govt. is now 11 year running in power but no fighter jet bought without f7. otherhand they always blammed bnp for everything.
  11. Bengal Tiger 71

    what u want say housekeeper

    what u want say housekeeper
  12. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    its about the procurement announcement of BAF,BN & Army. there is not provide any other forces equipment specification. whats ur prblm Mr. ISI racist.
  13. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    So we are waiting for announce the MRCA, Indigenous Frigate, Battle Tank, Medium range air defense system deal. i think Submarine deal will not take place before 2020-21.
  14. Bengal Tiger 71

    Pakistan High Commission meddling with poll process: Bangladesh

    People of BD hates both Pakistanis & India. MOD EDIT: Language Plus your hatred is pretty obvious from hundreds of your countrymen eagerly participating in a Pakistan forum. P.S. It do not pays to post here, if you have nothing positive to contribute, just don't post! It wont be a loss!
  15. Bengal Tiger 71

    Kenyan Coast Guard Service (KCGS) commissions Bangladesh Made Ship

    i think BN should be go with western shipbuilders for indigenous frigate program, it will be cost effective but this is the first step for building heavy ships, so need to learn made quality products.
  16. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    18 years gone now BAF procuring 4 gen fighter jet Su30. the no. is not a sqd. at least first batch, only 12. when they will fulfill forces goal.very slow procurement & the small no's.
  17. Bengal Tiger 71

    Bangladesh Air Force

    This AL govt. ruling BD 10 years, at least 1 sqd. they should buy 4+ gen. fighter,BAF are reorgananizing, new bases, training jets are coming but we can't open our sky.this no purchasing decision BD has gone 15 years behind from others.
  18. Bengal Tiger 71

    Chill Bangladesh Thread

    আগামীতে ক্ষমতায় আসলে বিমান বাহিনীকে আরো আধুনিক করা হবে: প্রধানমন্ত্রী প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেছেন, আগামীতে ক্ষমতায় আসলে বিমান বাহিনীকে আরো আধুনিক করা হবে। বৃহস্পতিবার দুপুরে বিমান বাহিনী একাডেমি যশোরে ‘ বঙ্গবন্ধু কমপ্লেক্স’ এর উদ্বোধন এবং ভিডিও কনফারেন্সের মাধ্যমে বিমান বাহিনী ঘাঁটি...
  19. Bengal Tiger 71

    Myanmar claims St Martin’s Island is theirs

    চায়নার সবকিছুই দুই নাম্বার। ভাওতাবাজ
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