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  1. M

    Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) News & Discussions

    Sped up? As in building it faster than one normally would? If so, then Beijing is expecting a hot war soon.
  2. M

    CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Nicely done. Night landings during full moon. Was this done during their recent exercise in the West Pacific?
  3. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    I don't remember. EDIT: just checked and SDF T&R is an exact copy of PDF. LOL It's another forum I guess.
  4. M

    Chilling MH370 discovery about how pilot flew undetected, according to aviation experts

    This would not be the first pilot to comment suicide (i.e. Germanwings Flight 9525).
  5. M

    Racist Airline Crew Attacks Female Black Passenger, #TrumpsAmerica

    It's the culture of entitlement. It has nothing to do with slavery. These attitudes are re-enforced in their community by individuals and or groups with an agenda.
  6. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    People get tired of reading countless useless postings of requests for translation. If I recall correctly, isn't posting in English a requirement on this forum? EDIT: never mind about the English requirement, it's another forum I'm thinking about.
  7. M

    Hong Kong student slammed by Chinese press for saying the national anthem makes her 'vomit'

    Maybe as a public figure. We're in another Cold War, so this shouldn't surprise anyone.
  8. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    There should be a requirement to have all non-English postings translated. I don't mind posting in the original language as long as there's an English translation with it. That way, people who are bilingual can verify the translation. Anyhow, does anyone know why those hatches on the flight...
  9. M

    U.N. nuclear watchdog's inspections chief quits suddenly

    I was about to say something about Bolton but you got it covered.
  10. M

    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    Thanks. I was looking at the hump part of the wing connecting to the main body.
  11. M

    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    Is that a Y-20 AEW&C?
  12. M

    Hong Kong student slammed by Chinese press for saying the national anthem makes her 'vomit'

    It's common among young adults. There's plenty of them in the US about "Bombs bursting in the air, etc..." Right now they're trying to decide what their gender is.
  13. M

    Chinese Trainer JL-9, L-15, JL-10, CJ-7 News & Discussions

    Still no tail hook. I'm surprised the PLA-N haven't inducted such a model. IMO, using the J-15 as a trainer is rather expensive.
  14. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    LKJ86, it's pointless to post non-English stuff without an English translation.
  15. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    If what LKJ86 said is true about President Xi, or someone important, attending the sea trial "ceremony", it shouldn't surprise anyone that an advanced team of security is now in the area.
  16. M

    IMF: Yuan (¥) Vs. USD ($): What You Are Not Being Told

    +1 for mentioning BIS where very few people are aware of them. While I wouldn't go as far as stating there are no countries left (I understand what you're trying to say), there are efforts to unite the planet under one authority. Unfortunately, it's all for the wrong reasons.
  17. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Is that guy getting arrested? :police:
  18. M

    China's New Stealth Bomber: H-X / H-20

    It would be nice if you could post a translation.
  19. M

    Israel, Iran engage in most serious confrontation in Syria

    This whole situation makes me sick. Both Iran and Russia have Syria's permission to operate inside their country while others do not. Maybe if Israel and friends haven't pushed for a war against Saddam, the entire region wouldn't have been destabilized.
  20. M

    IMF: Yuan (¥) Vs. USD ($): What You Are Not Being Told

    Regardless of what your opinion is of China, the Yuan can no longer be ignored. This news shouldn't be a surprise to anyone since China is keeping the lights on at the IMF, according to some financial pundits. Any bets that Lagarde's comment of moving the IMF HQ to China comes true?
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