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  1. TheThreePashas

    End of Pakistani Interest in the T-129?

    Here's an article from a pretty reputable source suggesting that Pakistan inked a deal for Mi-35's I guess this article/post is more about Pakistani defense than Turkish defense but, Pakistani members especially, does anyone have an idea of what happened here? Not that it was a sure sell at all...
  2. TheThreePashas

    Turkmenistan Makes Another Quiet Purchase Of 8 Warships

    lol what an idiot. What do you propose then? Fly it? numskull.
  3. TheThreePashas

    Roketsan First Test For LALADMIS Tomorrow 04.10.2013

    So are these systems for point-defense? Such as anti-missile defense that would be setup around cities like Istanbul? If so, why exclude ballistic interception capabilities and do we have plans in-store for that?
  4. TheThreePashas

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    Sorry about the tone. I meant no offense but I tend to come off as very hostile, understandably. On topic. This is a great step for Turkey. It's about time we start to have independent systems from NATO. Everyone criticizing this move on the basis of integration with NATO should step back and...
  5. TheThreePashas

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    I'm sure they are proud of being Arab. That's why I said I don't believe those people are in the majority. I will tell you though, I would not be able to tell the difference between a druze/assyrian/arab without specifically getting to know them, aka them telling me. All I'm saying is this...
  6. TheThreePashas

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    Umm. What? Who the hell cares whether we have a word for secularism in Turkish? We don't btw. The word laiklik comes from French. So? Just because you have a name for it doesn't mean anything. OOoooo, you used it first? See ya later man. Most Arab countries are very much not secular and those...
  7. TheThreePashas

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    No one's trying to be European dude. It just happens to be in Europe because the Greeks weren't able to repel us, can't say the same about pre-Islamic Persia ;)
  8. TheThreePashas

    Erdoan: Israel is behind Egypt coup, has evidence

    I highly doubt Erdoğan knows anything about the real reason behind the coup. It's obvious he doesn't because of how quickly his Brotherhood plans fell through.
  9. TheThreePashas

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    No, no. I mean actually, it's in the European side of Istanbul. So they would believe me..
  10. TheThreePashas

    Russia, Azerbaijan on a ‘new page of cooperation’

    Russia and Turkey are also long time rivals and if I had to generalize it, most Russians dont like Turks, most Turks don't like Russians.. What does Tatarstan have to do with promoting relations? If anything it hurts relations because Tatars who are close to us have been added to the Russian...
  11. TheThreePashas

    Russia, Azerbaijan on a ‘new page of cooperation’

    Oh, I understand what you meant know. Yeah you're right. Turkic countries have problems with other Turkic countries so definitely that's not everything in geopolitics.
  12. TheThreePashas

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    I believe visas between Turkey-Russia have been lifted in general
  13. TheThreePashas

    Russia, Azerbaijan on a ‘new page of cooperation’

    Which similarity of language? Kazaks speak Kazak :D
  14. TheThreePashas

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Gezi Park is in Europe.
  15. TheThreePashas

    India's caste system goes back 2,000 years, genetic study finds

    The most backwards system in the universe bar none. It's not as existent in Pakistan though, right?
  16. TheThreePashas

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    drats. I was hoping Abdullah Gül brought annexation papers with him! Long live all the Turks!
  17. TheThreePashas

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Let me ask you a question then. If Turkey is doing nothing to develop this UAV why aren't other countries doing or done it already? Turkey isn't a country like other NATO countries. We aren't given very stable and high-level access to technology. Why then, isn't France, who has a specifically...
  18. TheThreePashas

    Erdogan's Ergenekon "Victory"

    Well he is manipulating people though, Sinan. Don't take too much offense to that because I'd say it's true. How many times has Erdoğan distracted from the main issue at hand and start barking about other things to get people to forget about his faults?
  19. TheThreePashas

    Erdogan's Ergenekon "Victory"

    Yeah. That's the problem with Eroğan's populism, you said it right in the last sentence. He blinds people. He has a booming voice that, unfortunately you don't speak Turkish but, it almost convinces you he's right. And he's not, lol. ------ I would ease off blaming the MM affair on the...
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