They could start by reducing the population, there are many refugees in that city. Are they all there legally?
They could also spend money on earthquake-proving the city. I don't have high hopes for that however, seeing how bad and inadequate they are at administrating other vital...
ehh, what?!
"drain" yani khali shodan. Hata az in forum ham malume, 2-3 nafar az javunha be in fekran ke mikhan az Iran beran birun. Gand zadan...
man fizik khundam
Faghat moshkel in nist. Yek mohandes ke fekresh roshane fekr mikoni mikhad Iran ke Sharia hast zendegi kone, ya Europa/Amrika? Man 6ta az dustam Irani hastan, baziashun mohandesi khundan bazia fizik/riazi -- alan ham hamashun scholarshipe phd gereftan. Az Tabriz va Tehran umadan. Brain drain be...
I hope he noticed the extreme pollution while being up there, maybe that will encourage him to do something about it + all the other cities around the country