Much easier to shot down because of very low airspeeds. It has the advantage of standby usage. It can hover for minutes at a given location while you do a gunfight and you can grab the ground control station at anytime. Cons: Much less flight time and range than fixed wings, less effective...
What is the source of that Puma order? Do you really think we will buy something from USA nowadays unless we have to? I guess it is purely speculation...
With SATCOM equipped UAVs, there is a curse called "latency". You see somebody, identify it, press the button and prey for not any civilian...
In past we considered Kirpi was extremely strong armor wise. Once pkk increased explosives amount, Kirpi became unsafe. Unless we stop explosives traffic, results will be the same. The problem is they get explosives very easily.
@Oldman1 , We had enough with this pkk-ypg bullshit and our so-called allies giving advanced weapons and getting hit with them in our country. Enough is enough...
Yes we will hit isis and yes we will hit ypg (stop calling them Kurds, our country does not have a problem with them). They are...