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  1. kinsr

    Concept of stealth drones as force multiplayers indo-pak scenario

    What's a stealth AWACS Drone? Any thing that emits RF signals will be immediately visible to enemy radar. Anyways AWACS stands for Air-bourne Warning and Control System. Now that Control part is managed by humans. Remove the humans from the AWACS it becomes just a flying RADAR, where the...
  2. kinsr

    Amarinder Singh urges Union Government to restrict flow of Ravi-Beas rivers from Punjab into Pakista

    Do you know that four dams in Pakistan are running dry even before summer is setting in. What more do you want us to try? I hope you already fuelled the Ghauris and Shaheens ... The summers going to be hard this year in Pakistan, no water, rising crude prices, extremely low forex, extremely...
  3. kinsr

    Iran calls for Pakistan China Russia regional alliance against US

    Lolz... Iran and Pakistan can't even get a gas pipeline working and here we are dreaming of Strategic allianace against US. There may be a regional alliance between Iran, China and Russia in future, but there hardly seems to be a scope for Pakistan. What have Pakistanis to offer? Economy...
  4. kinsr

    Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

    Thanks for egging on these morons... More of them will find path to jannah under the tyres of the troop carrier.... They have even tried hand grenades and ieds since a long time ... They can't and they won't win.
  5. kinsr

    How Tejas MK1A and JF-17 Block III fare against each other!

    Let me hazard a guess... Indrajeet or Meghnaad?
  6. kinsr

    How Tejas MK1A and JF-17 Block III fare against each other!

    What exactly are the capabilities difference of JF17 Bl1 & Bl2 and how many Bl1 and how many Bl2 does PAF have.
  7. kinsr

    India’s grip on strategic port, Chabahar, loosens as Iran turns to China

    But then will Iranians allow Chinese Naval ships to dock in Gwadar?
  8. kinsr

    India’s grip on strategic port, Chabahar, loosens as Iran turns to China

    The whole Chabahar port was envisaged as a part of India Pakistan Iran land route, which would have further connected to CAR states. Even a railway line was proposed connecting Gwadar to Chabahar. Iran even laid down Broad Gauge railway line from Chabahar to Pakistan border, and Pakistan would...
  9. kinsr

    Starting today, China’s new railway operation network (April 10, 2018) officially came into effect.

    But then you are still called by the name derived from "Cina"
  10. kinsr

    Starting today, China’s new railway operation network (April 10, 2018) officially came into effect.

    Of course.. All Pakistanis, Arabs, Africans will all be speaking Mandarin for sure, only slaves that you going to have. Then you would be called "Zhongguo" by these slave states, instead of a name derived from Hindi/Sanskrit "Cina". Good Luck to that ...:enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:...
  11. kinsr

    Starting today, China’s new railway operation network (April 10, 2018) officially came into effect.

    @waz, @Eagle ....lolz... kya din aa gaye hain ek defence forum ke ... Ab yahan Cheeni Train ke time-table par bhi thread hai....
  12. kinsr

    how did this be done ?

    get a visa to India .. come we will teach you
  13. kinsr

    CPEC being extended to Afghanistan, says report : India concerned

    @waz, @Eagle ... Kindly look at doctored title...
  14. kinsr

    China's anti-stealth radar can detect U.S. aircraft in Pacific

    @gambit ...Just a small query, assuming that the Chinese have the capability to detect LO fighters, but how would those radars fare against something like F18 Growlers. What if F35 and F22 fly escorted by EA F-18G.
  15. kinsr

    Indian Army Officer among 5 soldiers injured as Pak hammered India at LOC.

    Whats with the thread title? "Hammered".
  16. kinsr

    Russian pilots will be trained on the Chinese carrier

    I hope you know since when India has been operating ACC and ship Bourne fighters. India has experience with Catobar, Ski-jump as well as VTOL. There's not much that Russians can train Indians about.
  17. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    Yes even ICJ is brainwashed to have suspended the sentence . It's you who claimed him to be a terrorist, now you should produce credible evidence for your claims. Present it on every international fora... Present it to ICJ, execute Jadhav. But then you have nothing to prove him to be a...
  18. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    And who told you he's a terrorist? The banana court which tried him? Or a edited video of a confession made under duress. You couldn't prove his crime when taken to ICJ, what happened to the tons of evidence that he is a terrorist. You can't prove anything. Neither you can execute him as you...
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