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  1. kinsr

    Turkish military very unhappy with Chinese missiles, mad at US

    not a good place to post this kind of news :p:.... the chinese horde will be really mad now.....just a few days ago they went overboard by this selection by Turkish Forces... So after all it was not the technology what was the criterion for the selection.. just pure politics only..
  2. kinsr

    Preparations in full swing for December 15 GSLV mission

    best of luck to ISRO with the GSLV D3... its high time Isro gets it right.
  3. kinsr

    India blazes a trail with Mars mission

    love the name of the orbiter 'Mangalyaan',, the vehicle that will do only good
  4. kinsr

    Chanakya TV Series

    to all my Indian friends,, please dont compare zaid hamid to Kautilya,, its insult to compare a joker to the greatest strategist ever walked this earth,. Other than that,, Rakshas had an equal capabilities in terms of strategising and statecraft but Nandas didnt allow him a free hand and their...
  5. kinsr

    'Lucky peanuts' wish from Nasa to Isro on Mars mission

    Come and talk to me when Chinese have invented and developed any technology. The nuclear and rocket technology that US and Russia are very proud of was stolen from Germany at the end of WW-II. They won that technology by winning a war ... but you are just a thief who doesn't have guts anything...
  6. kinsr

    'Lucky peanuts' wish from Nasa to Isro on Mars mission

    NASA is not running the mission nor are they providing the mission objectives, they are just there to provide Navigational and communications support. And India has contracted other entities for tracking and communications as well. Other than that, if NASA is partnering its good for ISRO as we...
  7. kinsr

    Expansion essential to make UN security council credible: India

    Ha ha ha .. Chinese are such stupid people here on PDF, they are so much into this 50 cents job that they cant get time to know whats happening around the world or even what their government is doing. I guess they are more busy selling organs to buy a puny iphone. For an eye-opener for all the...
  8. kinsr

    Narendra Modi cannot lead India effectively: New York Times Editorial Board

    Actually the more this mud slinging goes on by the Congress the better it is for Modi. It will keep Modi in the center of the frame rather than the achievements of congress in last 10 years.
  9. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    yeah., we are just calling off their bluff.. They dont have the balls to use it., its only lots of hot gases on their side., lolz
  10. kinsr

    The deep irony of Modi's love for RSS hater Sardar Patel

    Lets for a moment assume that all the superlatives that you have laden on Narendra Modi are true, but does that take away his rights as an Indian to pay respect to one of the greatest figure of our freedom struggle? For the last 45 years we been hearing India is Indira and Indira is India. This...
  11. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    oh cmon .. self respect and Pakistan in a same sentence.. lolz.. you forgot the Salala Massacre, the daily drone strikes on a your soil by a foreign country, Raymond Davis, selling your country to fight someone else's war and many more instances. Lessons in Self respect is the last thing i will...
  12. kinsr

    India: Defeating the Cruise Missile Threat

    I believe India should step the research in the field of high energy laser, which can act as both a defensive as well as offensive weapon. And invest more into space based detection system which will be far more effective in the longer run.
  13. kinsr

    The deep irony of Modi's love for RSS hater Sardar Patel

    What has Modi to do with it? It is the Govt of Gujarat that's honoring Sardar Patel. The Prime Minister was there in Gujarat a couple of days ago where the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Minister of Gujarat jointly inaugurated a museum dedicated to Sardar Patel. The Congress, that Sardar...
  14. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    ha ha ha.. Such a silly post ... you are bringing up border disputes with our neighbors, as if we don't know of their existence. Are any of the countries are fighting a war with India over it? This is the same foreign policy, that you have told us to re-look, which has kept war away from India...
  15. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    do you really believe your countrymen are united? Yes this is the foreign policy for you,, a very caliberated response militarily just enough to keep PA off from western borders and not to excite pakistanis into a huddle against India, dont worry we wont let you unite against us and wont let you...
  16. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    Ha ha ha ,, why would we need to change the foreign policy when its working perfectly for us. The objective of that foreign policy is to strengthen India and ruin our enemies. See the end results, the same foreign policy has made friends from japan to peru and ruining our enemies like pakistan
  17. kinsr

    Strikes on Pakistan can create nuclear holocaust: Feroz Khan

    Ha ha ha.. funny thread.. Does Pakistan have a credible enough delivery system to deliver those so called "200" warhead into Indian airspace. Last time they had a successful test of the ghauri, the villagers of Dadu had to take cover. That is their credibility of their "successful test" claims...
  18. kinsr

    The politics of riots in India

    what a moronic and one sided article. Its more of a Hindu and BJP bashing than anything else. Are there only Hindu vs Muslim riots happening in India. Come to Uttar Pradesh and he can see what are real riots. As, a matter of fact at place where Muslims are dominant you will find riots...
  19. kinsr

    'Bed k neechey mai hi tha': Indian Soldier

    cut out the bull crap about INSAS, it has proven beyond doubt about its capabilities. Stop reading 10 year old article about the quality of insas. Its widely used by all our armed forces along with para military personnel and police.
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