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  1. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    Policies are collective decisions made by GoI as a whole, he is just another spoke in the wheel. He can merely "advise" the PM, who in turn needs approval from Cabinet Committee on Security(CCS) for any decision. Hence people uttering something in their leisure doesnt make it official position...
  2. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    with over 6000 posts to your name... i don't need to direct you the threads pertaining to those videos.. try to read the discussion there... Its not worth wasting time talking about those two videos here again and again. Thats why said bring something new and credible. Parrikar never mentioned...
  3. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    Ahh ... out of replies ?... I close my case then.... You can continue trolling... not worth wasting my time anymore...
  4. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    It shows your own gullibility. The two latter videos have been done to death on this same forum, so bring me something new. Something more credible and not conspiracy theories which you guys like to peddle. Aptly shown below: or hilariously this one
  5. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    You mean to say that India is recruiting for Daesh? Your G&B Home department specifically mentions India sending muslim youth for training, it means its sanctioned by GoI. How come some radicalized youths who have gone missing from middle east and being recruited by Daesh, be a GoI sanctioned...
  6. kinsr

    India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert!!

    Why would one Muslim attack another Muslim? And why do we need to send people from India to attack Pakistan. According to Pakistan, we have numerous embassies along Af-Pak border and we have created TTP & and are actively involved with Baluchi rebels. It will be foolish to send Indians all the...
  7. kinsr

    Government to utilise water from rivers flowing to Pakistan: Nitin Gadkari

    I can only laugh at your reply. Keep crying. You will be done away once you use nuke, else the water shortage will do you nonetheless.
  8. kinsr

    Government to utilise water from rivers flowing to Pakistan: Nitin Gadkari

    What red lines are you talking about both Tarbela & Mangla have hit dead levels. Not even a single whimper has come out of GoP and you talking about nuking another nuclear armed state.
  9. kinsr

    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Always a pleasure Bro!!!
  10. kinsr

    IPL to USE DRS technology after PSL became the first T20 franchise league to use the technology

    Lol... We are not talking about mohalla cricket.... They used to play at night under lights long before Day&Night cricket started. Don't compare PSL with IPL. Even the lowest bid on an IPL cricketer is more than the total budget of PSL. By the way DRS was not invented by Pakistanis, just that...
  11. kinsr

    Exclusive Griffins Boss Rocks the Venue

    Maybe trying to prevent excessive air-frame fatigue. PAF doesn't have those luxuries as enjoyed by UAE or Turkey where they can spare a F16 just for air-shows.F16 parts and spares are hard to come by for PAF. I believe the F16 for the Pakistan Day Parade was taken from active duty, so wouldn't...
  12. kinsr

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Instead of analysing me... Answer the question if you know anything.. Again, where are the hard-points/weapons station? Usually JF17 flies with 2 drop tanks, and 2 PL5 on wingtips. But JF17 B doesn't seem to have any, why is that so? Probable weight issues?
  13. kinsr

    Successful Hot refueling Trial cum Sortie of LCA Tejas

    This thread is about Tejas ....Better keep to it.... How come these posters like the one I'm replying to, go unwarned..... @Eagle @waz
  14. kinsr

    Successful Hot refueling Trial cum Sortie of LCA Tejas

    @Eagle .... how come these morons like @snow lake are allowed uninterrupted run on trolling and derailing a perfectly fine thread...
  15. kinsr

    Valid doubts about authenticity of space missions by ISRO.

    Earth was also considered to be the center of Universe previously. Explorer missions are exactly for the same reason, to explore various possibilities. How did you come to conclusion that the mission was fake? The article accepts the existence of water on lunar surface, albeit it challenges the...
  16. kinsr

    Pakistan Army Asks North Kashmir’s Uri Residents To Shift Safer Places

    Will someone post news about PA evacuating civilians from Pakistani side too, since PA is such a compassionate force. PA will ask villagers to evacuate on Indian side while they will keep civilians around them for added safety. That's why school buses and ambulance are caught up on Pakistani...
  17. kinsr

    The Wakhan Corridor: an opportunity

    China with all its might, doesn't belive in usurping all its claimed land by force, how would you think the world going to react on this Pakistani action. Had Pakistanis some sense and tried to think logically instead of emotionally, you would have a TAPI, IPI, a trade route within Saare...
  18. kinsr

    CM400 Anti Ship missile for JF-17 testing image

    Then how do you suppose its going to take out a moving target?
  19. kinsr

    CM400 Anti Ship missile for JF-17 testing image

    Any info on how does it maneuver to its target location, I mean does it use thrust vectoring or does it use its fins?
  20. kinsr

    PA Helicopter Near LOC Causes Indians to panick

    From where did you infer that Indians panicked? Looks like the chopper flew close to border and returned. Don't know if it even warranted an IAF warning. Much like that claim of JF-17 flying over Siachen. Pure propaganda.
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