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  1. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    I want to reach out to the upper echelon on PDF @WebMaster etc. This benign shit needs to reach its conclusion. using your power as a mod to bully people needs to be settled.
  2. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    I mean can any other ambassador meet the american election people?
  3. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    did you see China meeting the ECP? which cuntry's ambassador met ECP? and the latest addition from our old masters is something too!
  4. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    Pakistan is NOT free. its a colony of america.
  5. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    mai baap amrika is NOT involved(sarcasm) and our old masters Britain are not fingering 250 million people.
  6. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    amrika sada yaar ehh :woot:
  7. Path-Finder

    Mahnoor Cheema Who Set a World Record With 34 GSCEs and Has an IQ Greater Than Einstein is a Huge Fan of Shahbaz Shareef

    is she more intelligent than Aristotle of noon league? think of it like this, shes the most intelligent league. just one!
  8. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    Oh NO, don't do that. Don't say it was a mistake. it was no mistake. it was calculated. But you go ahead and open my case to senior admins. I will respect their judgment.
  9. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    do you remember when you banned me and then made my ban permanent so i cannot return? I did get that ban revoked. you banned me with a set time BUT then made my ban permanent! No worries I am happy to have PDF admins give me the boot if they want to. Open my case. let the judgement begin.
  10. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    what do you think? not support the junta.
  11. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    ppp are thugs that go unreported, they are even bigger enemy of the people than noonies. my posts about ppp's absolute gutter level covid response and legislation was hurting them. I had a huge pile of videos and pics of these subhuman ppp giving bars of soap to people and taking pictures with...
  12. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    here you are abusing your position of power! calling me names and other things I am now compelled to tell you a story. There is a forum called siasat dot pk. you must be familiar with it. its owner is a canadian called Adeel, here is his twitter. https://twitter.com/Adeel786 just like YOU...
  13. Path-Finder

    People in Pakistan Losing Trust in Army

    250 million people. they have failed themselves.
  14. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    I don't care about your contributions one bit! as for my content I'll let the people on this here forum be the judge, not you. If anyone has an issue they can ignore my posts. This isn't the first time you have been condescending. it won't be the last either.
  15. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    you are a bully especially after becoming a moderator. Power when given to cowards is like, Nawaz Sharif. Lion by name. only.
  16. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    my contributions to PDF are not your business as this is an open forum! secondly I am NOT talking to you. So please take your views away from me.
  17. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    most of my relatives that retired as high ranking officers from both my parents side of the family. very few ever stayed in Pakistan. Most of them settled with their families in america!
  18. Path-Finder

    Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

    and there we have it. this guy has started attacking me after I asked it to not engage with me! Tell me. does being a moderator give you the right to suppress other people views?
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